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I waited on the same bench next to the main doors as I had yesterday morning. Only this time I wasn't staring down at my feet. I was looking around, wringing my hands together anxiously as I waited for Knox. My entire mind so consumed with looking for him, I paid no attention to the many people, many boys, passing me with curious looks.

The palms of my hands felt clammy from nervous sweat. My foot couldn't stop shaking beneath me. And my eyes darted all around me, probably closely resembling some kind of tweaker.

By the time I saw him finally strolling up the steps, eyes set on me, the bell signaling first period rang through the air. Leaving me with no time to thank him yet. 

I couldn't help the disappointment that was already filling my veins. I had been anxiously awaiting this moment since last night. I had barely been able to sleep because of how much I couldn't stop thinking about it, desperate to know whether or not Knox would like what I made him. I probably should feel naive and stupid for how much I wanted his approval on this gift to the point of total consumption. 

Knox approached me and wordlessly held out his hand for me which I unconsciously took hold of. I hadn't even realized what I had done until he was already tugging me alone with him through the hall.

His hand was rough with callouses and slightly sweaty, or maybe that was my hand, and it completely engulfed my own. My heart was beating so fast, I was afraid he would either hear it or it would burst out of me and land before us on the shiny hall tiles. I waited for the panic to set in, waited for the tight feeling in my throat and chest.

It only squeezed for a second before releasing.

We walked into first period seconds before the late bell rung. This was not like how we had walked into art. Looking at the walls, I guessed English, before Knox all but dragged me to two seats in the back again. All around the room, I felt curious eyes roaming over me. Even the teacher still sitting at his desk gave Knox and I a scathing look.

My guess about English was correct.

Our teacher started talking the second Knox and I sat down and didn't stop talking the entire period. It became excruciatingly hard to focus. My mind reeling with thoughts of giving Knox my 'thank you' present, my skin burning with the knowledge that I'd held his hand, and the sideways looks the people in the surrounding seats kept giving me.

My mind felt foggy, clouded with my self-consciousness. I yet again found myself unable to sit still. I felt itchy from the feeling of everyone's stare touching me. I scratched my knee, then shoulder, then neck, tucked my hair behind my ear, untucked it, itched my elbow, repeat.

I wanted to scratch everybody's eyes out and watch them bleed for the consequences of their judgement upon me. I needed to get out of this stuffy room before I actually imploded. Maybe then Wendy would see that this was too soon, that I hadn't been ready for this challenge after all.

I had only jotted down two bullet points about anything my teacher said before the bell rang and everyone started filing out.

Knox yet again held my hand the entire walk to art which only managed to make my mind spiral faster. My face was flushed and my entire body felt sweaty. The bemused look Knox shot my way only told me that I must have looked a panicked mess by the time we took our seats.

"Okay, everyone. Take out your drawings from last class. Remember that it doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you drew something and it's clear you tried, I will be happy." Our teacher spoke.

My head snapped to look at Knox stifling a grin. 'As long you draw something.' My breathing shallowed. Time seemed to slow down as I absorbed her words. He tricked me. He tricked me into drawing him because he knew I wasn't paying attention - he knew I would do it.

Knox's Little AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now