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Wendy's words imbedded themselves in my mind just like I knew she wanted them to. Only instead of making me rethink my friendship with Knox, her words only made me ache to be around him that much more.

All throughout the next school day I felt an even greater pull to be around Knox than normal.

I found my eyes lingering longer every time I glanced his way. I unconsciously scooted my desk chair closer to him in every class. And every time we walked through the hallways, I reached for his hand instead of the seam of his shirt.

Knox didn't seem to mind, though. At least not from what I could tell. I suppose if my extra clinginess was bothering him, he could have shaken me off at any point.

Even at lunch time I sat with only a breath between us. The hair on my arms standing up with acute awareness of our close proximity.

Pulling out my ham sandwich, I let my eyes take in Knox's appearance for the hundredth time today. He wore a black graphic tee that showed off just the bottom of the tattoo I had yet to fully see. The swirls of black ink twirling up his bicep and out of sight peaked my curiosity.

Trailing my eyes up to his face, I tilted my head slightly at the focused look on his face. He was staring intently at something on his phone, his gaze unmoving.

My eyes narrowed and I couldn't help the frown that started to grow. Irritation bubbled at the back of my throat. I wanted his attention, I just didn't know how to get it. Shifting where I sat, I let out a small puff of frustration before taking another bite of my sandwich.

In an instant Knox wound an arm around my waist, drawing me flush against his side. I instinctively loosed a small squeak of surprise at the contact.

"What's got my girl in such a huffy puffy mood, hm?" He asked, not breaking his gaze from his phone screen. His was voice teasing and low so only I could hear him. Not that it mattered as Liam and Sean had long since left to get their lunch from the cafeteria.

I forced myself to swallow my bite. My eyes were wide as I gazed up at his face without answering. My silence had his head turning to look at me. His eyes glinted darkly as he took me in. My heart was beating rapidly - so hard I thought it would burst from me at any second.

His fingers flexed as they dug softly into my side. His palm effectively warming my skin beneath. I began to flush under his stare, squirming slightly in his hold.

Knox leaned down, his teeth nipping at my ear as he pulled me in closer. "Such at brat." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck as he spoke. "Tell me what's got my pouty girl in such a bad mood so I can fix it."

I gulped, my face and body now burning. A shudder escaped me as he pressed a ghost of a kiss beneath my ear. I licked my lips, almost throwing myself back against him as he started to pull away. Playfully pinching my side, his expectant look prompted me to speak.

"I-I-" I stuttered, struggling to come up with a less embarrassing explanation for my attitude. Even if I mainly just wanted his sole attention back on me, it would be too mortifying to say just that.

His thumb started to draw soft, lazy circles on my hip - only muddling my mind further. The smile that tugged at his lips told me that he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Y-you're not eating anything." I offered up pathetically.

"I'm not hungry." The corner of his lip twitched, amusement growing in his eyes.

"Bu-but you can't not eat." I all but whined, sounding increasingly pathetic to even my own ears.

"What're you suggesting I have?" He asked lowly, an almost predatory look flashing across his face. The nature of his suggestion going right over my head as I reached for the untouched half of my sandwich and pushed it over in front of him.

Knox's Little AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now