Platform No. - 6

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Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. 

"I am nervous," Sameer said, rubbing his hands together. 

Maahi turned the steering towards the left while he eyed Sameer warily. 

"Maahi I am really nervous." 

"Sameer it's just a meeting, they are not going to rattle your throat," Maahi assured as he ran a hand through his hair. 

"What if she finds me ugly?" Sameer asked with worry. 

"You are at your level best today Sameer." he drove past the road.  

"What if she doesn't like my dress?" Sameer straightened his shirt a bit and looked to see if it had any crease in his perfectly ironed clothes.  

He was wearing a white buttoned up shirt and rolled sleeves with black jeans.  

"Don't forget you made me iron the same shirt thrice till it turned to be perfectly ironed." Maahi took a right.  

"Maahi! What if my throat goes dry and I can’t say a word."  

Maahi rolled his eyes.  

"Drink some water when that happens, Sameer." He drove through the valley ahead.  

"What if-” Sameer started again and Maahi stopped the car in front of a house.  

Sameer peeked outside the window to see the house and once the realisation hit him that they had really arrived at the place he turned towards Maahi. Beads of sweat lining his forehead.  

Sameer was from a very poor background. His parents lived a hard life and raised him undergoing so many hard situations. This made Sameer focused on building his career. Not once did he get distracted. Alhamdulillah when he achieved everything he wished for, his parents wanted him to get settled.  

That evening was his first meeting with a potential wife. Sameer was really anxious.  

"Sameer, chill dude!" Maahi assured again, running a hand through his hair, "It's going to be alright." 

"Maahi! I am telling you, you would be searching for a girl in the US to marry because they are very easy to handle," when Maahi gave him a look, he continued, "I mean I have seen many on Instagram with a jeans and a hijab, they are very easy-going and understanding. Those meetings will go smoothly unlike mine." He finished. 

"Oh, so you have been seeing girls on Instagram. Huh?" Maahi spoke his voice a bit high. 

"No. I just meant their culture, their attire and attitudes." Sameer blinked. 

"Come on dude! You meant they were good looking," Maahi winked, "And that too when you are outside a girl's house and, not to forget the girl who you are looking to be your spouse. Great Sameer. You are Great!" Maahi clapped his hands and opened his door. 

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