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Dedicated to 22DabirArfa for her support.

Rahman nir Raheem. 

"Saad! Did you buckle your seat belt? The plane is going to land," Shabna asked glancing down at the boy in question and then pulled the two belts around his small belly, clicking it together. 

"Mamma! I am scared," Saad said when the plane jerked a bit and started lowering itself from the higher altitude. 

"It's nothing to be scared of Saad!" She bent her head and kissed his cheek, "We are going to be just safe. And Daddy is probably waiting in the ground for you, with dozens of chocolates. Don't you wanna go and eat all of them?"  

"Chocolates! Yes!"  

"We should land first, to go reach him, so don't worry about landing. Alright? You did right the whole way, why worry in the end?"  

"No worries Mamma! Only chocolates." He beamed. 

"Yes! That's my boy. Hakuna Matata! It means no worries," she sang and he laughed out loud, the previous tension flying out of the window. 

Grabbing their luggage and placing it in the trolley, Shabna held Saad's hand as she led him out of the long valley of people and helped him out of the airport. 

The thought of meeting her husband made her heart race its beatings. The past few months were hard for her without him, and vice versa. But Saad with his presence filled the void on her chest to feel content. 

She role played to be his mother, waking him up for school, bathing him, making him eat his food, and did everything for him, all the while, thanking Allah immensely for fulfilling her duas. 

Once, her whole world had flipped down making the soil lose texture, clouds becoming gloomy and deprived of any rain, and eventually, the land turned draught. Later when she remained patient over her loss, her Rabb brought down rain all over the place, growing it back green.  

Now the land of her life is fully green and natural with tall trees bearing fruits, butterflies chirping and Sun shining in the middle. 

She would miss Maahi, so would he, they both would video call daily and text as much as they could because they lived in countries that had opposite timings. When it was a day in India, it would be night there and when he would be calling it a night, it would be the whole daylight in her place. 

Passing over the sea of people, her eyes finally landed on the familiar figure standing afar. She wheeled the trolley faster than before and when they were near, finally locking gazes, their face turned into massive grins before running towards each other. 

Maahi grabbed Saad and the boy instantly wrapped his small hands around his neck, on the other hand, he held Shabna dear to his heart. 

"Assalamu alaikum! Finally, the wait is over now."  

" It is." She smiled witnessing his heartbeats and they stood in each other's embrace for a good minute to pass. 

"Where do you want to go first, the apartment or Fathima's house?" He asked once they withdrew from each other, taking the trolley in one hand and putting Saad on the other. 

"To Fathima's of course. I want to stay there tonight."  

"Anything works for me as long as you are going to be near." 

"Aw! My heart says the line is too cheesy for its liking." She placed her palms over her Abaya near her chest. 

"Then let it tell me how much maska to add on top of its bread?" He chimed and she playfully hit his arm. 

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