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Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem. 

Entwining her hands with Saad's did she feel herself as complete.  

With hardships, comes ease. 

This was her ease. She knew it, deep down in her heart. Allah guaranteed us about one thing with surety, to maintain patience over the calamities that fall upon us and we would reap the immense rewards at the end. If He closes one door, He does open the other even better than the one that got closed.  

He does everything for our benefit. He removes what wasn't meant for us, to give something even more valuable. All we have to do is tie the rope of trust with firmness and watch our blessings swing towards us. 

Maahi walked behind them, for them to lead the way, toeing behind protectively. Despite herself, she smiled. 

After her acceptance, the whole family was so happy that they had gone out for dinner. And now, Shabna was going to leave Saad back in the orphanage to take him tomorrow legally. 

Kissing the boy to sleep and pulling the blanket over his chest she turned around to retire back to the car. She locked the door and looked up at Maahi who was standing a few feet away from her. 

"Are you sure you are not turning a blind eye towards me?" she asked, it doesn't mean she didn't believe him, but still she felt all this was some sort of a dream, so surreal. 

" Like what?" He questioned her back and resumed walking. 

"I mean your decision to marry me. I am asking about it. Are you sure? You don't have to do this, this is your life--" Her question laced with a tinge of doubt. 

"Shabna! It's alright to feel insecure, given your situation. Trust me, I never felt that, us", he pointed his hand back and forth, showing him and her, "will be a mistake. And when I put forth the proposal in front of your parents, the sweet tears that they shed and the dua's they made with so much earnestness made me feel a hundred percent sure of my decision. 

"All my life, I have lived to make the people around me happy. It makes me feel content. After seeing your parents, and you, I really felt my heart fill with joy," he smiled even though he didn't turn around to show it. 

" What about your happiness? Are you happy?" 

"Shabna! When Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) married Khadija (R.A) wasn't he happy?" Listening to this, she stopped in her tracks. 

"He was just 25! But she made him feel like the happiest man in the whole world. She lit his soul to shine. She gave him the shoulder, he so badly needed. Above all, she gave him her trust. She trusted him when he wanted it the most. Guided him to spread the message of Allah. When she died, he mourned for losing her. Even after so many years later, he sent presents to her friends. He protected her necklace. Ayesha (R.A) his most beloved wife, would feel jealous of the love of the Prophet towards Khadija (R.A). He unraveled so much from her because of one thing, which, do you know what?", He didn't wait for her reply, instead, he added along, "It's because he didn't mind her past, he saw her as a person and I am seeing you as just the same." 

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