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Dedicated to An_estrella for asking the update. Load me with comments and a big review. I loved loved loved ur review which u sent a few days before.

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.

The stars lined up the sky, like the lamps lighting the whole world, and the first snow of the year has started to commence in front of his eyes, the sight was to marvel for, but the strings of his heart ached.

For the one he has come to love these days, broke him apart.

The gnawing pain which he feels for the first time in his life is something new.

He has faced so much in his life but he hadn't come across a situation like this. His hair fell over his face, blurring the view of the stars that lit the sky and the lamps that lit the street they reside in. His hands felt too tired to push them back.

He sat on the terrace, all alone, skipped dinner but still he wasn't sure. It wasn't easy for a child to live in this world without the shelter of the love, their parents offered. It wasn't easy to survive a day for an orphan. Though Alhamdulillah, Allah had provided him a roof to sleep in, food to eat, and people that loved him dearly, at the end of the day, he had missed his mother putting him to sleep, he had missed the love of a father who would carry him on his shoulder and buy him goodies.

In school, when someone needed the signature of the one who takes care of him, the word parent would be slashed and the box would be filled in with the sign of a guardian.

Though his Aunt and Uncle treated him nothing more than their child. He still missed his parents.

His Mom and His Dad.

Not a day passes without him praying for the maghfirah of them and asking Allah to make them enter the highest ranks of paradise.

He felt flawed inside.

No matter how strong he puts himself forth, a void in his heart remains.

Today someone slapped him out of his dreams and pushed him to dwell in his nightmares.

The same someone who owns his heart.

Suddenly a jacket was put forth over his shoulders and he looked up to meet emerald green eyes staring back at him, he smiled at Ali who sat beside him on the railing of their terrace.

"It's snowing and it's freaking cold," Ali spoke rubbing his hands together, "You are surely going to get a fever."

"I am not in its slightest worry,"

"Fathima told me what happened and she is downstairs worried sick for you and that's the reason we are staying today."

"That's nice. Give me some time, I will join you two soon and take this jacket back, you are literally starting to freeze", Maahi was about to pull the jacket off of his shoulders, when he was stopped abruptly, "I am used to it rather than you."

Silence encompassed them both, making them dive deep into their this.

"I do not know why she is pushing you away and if she wants you to go as much far as possible from her, why did she have to slap you?"

"I am delving in the same confusion, dude!"

"Girls are 'confusing'." Ali air quoted.

"I know right?"

"Maahi! I totally and what you are going through, but trust Allah! When he closes a door, he makes sure to open the other even better."

When the other one was silent, Ali added, "You can't even imagine what I went through that day when Fathima all but rejected me on my face."

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