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Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem.

"Do you, by any chance get hurt through critics?", asked Jesima as she rubbed the countertop of their kitchen with a wet rug to make it shine.

"Most of the people do, but I am more scared of people judging me", Shabna replied doing the dishes.

"Yeah! That too",

"Why do you ask?", Shabna asked.

"People judging and criticizing us are both sides of the same coin we fear about Shabs. It's like their job, it's like they earn money for doing these",

"True. Some people's job is to put their nose on other's business",

"Exactly! People always say things, but that doesn't mean you should always listen. And do you know what I feel sometimes?",

"What?", Shabna asked turning around to face her.

"It hurts so bad when we are subjected to judgment and criticize, right?",

Shabna shook her head in affirmative and Jesima continued, "I think even our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) got hurt from those",

"Of course he would have! His blood relations judged him, tortured him so much, it would have caused him immense amount of pain and suffering",

"Yeah! And that's why Allah revealed Qur'an as a consolation to him. Allah consoles him almost over all the Qur'an. He was a Human-like us after all, and like we feel depressed on our tribulations, he did too and we can also head consolation from the Book of Allah as well

"For example, in Sûrah Duha, Allah says, 

Your Lord has not forsaken you nor does He dislike you!

So many times when we are tested we think that Allah has left us alone or we think that he does not like us anymore and we imagine that as the reason why he was testing us. And this verse is a beautiful consolation for those thoughts",


"Then comes my favorite verse,

And he found you lost and guided you. 

This means even our Prophet felt lost in his problems too and Allah (S. A. W) guided him to the straight path. These verses are so cute in their way. They show how much Allah loves our Prophet and us to the far extent",

"Masha Allah! Jesima. I haven't thought that way", 

"Allah is very Merciful Shabs, What I am telling you from this is, as Human beings we can feel insecure due to our trials and even feel alone, But Allah is there for us and Qur'an is his greatest of Sign that he is with us and will always be no matter how much astray we go. It's not only advice for our Prophet but the whole of the Mankind",

"Anyone who wants solace in his heart can seek refuge in it. The Qur'an is full of miracles and it is like magic because you can find all your problems already has been tested with the righteous ones and the Prophet's", 

"Like what?", Shabna asked, gaining more interest in the topic of discussion. 

"Like if your your own blood holds grudges against you, then the same would have Yousuf(A. S)  been felt when his brother's pushed him inside the well. When you think you are suffering from severe diseases, Allah speaks of how he tested Prophet Ayyoub (A. S), if your society points a finger at your chastity, Allah (S. A. W) held witness to Ayesha (R. A) in Sûrah Noor, that she wass indeed chaste. When you feel darkness encompassing all around you, think about what Younus (A. S.) would have gone through in the belly of a whale, when you are asked to sacrifice the most beloved possession you have, imagine how Ibrahim (A. S) agreed to sacrifice his own son, when your children/spouse/parents die in front of your eyes, reckon how Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) would have felt when he was born as an orphan, his mother, six of his children, his beloved wife and so many died in front of his eyes, when you think your problems are immense and you don't see a way out, feel how Musa (A. S) would have felt when he stood with the people of Bani Israel in front of the red sea, if your children doesn't obey your ways, think how Nooh (A. S) would have felt when his son didn't accept faith, and the list goes on and on", 

Train to Love ☑जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें