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Bismillaah hir Rahman nir Raheem. 

Entering the hotel, she sighed.  

What has gone wrong with her?  

Why did she act so stupid?  

Deep down, she knew that it was the deck of the moment and her brain wasn't functioning very well. One thing she was so sure of was, no one deserved her after what she has gone through.  

There is a pile of reasons and cons on her. Well for starters, she was a divorcee and not a virgin. As horrible as it sounds, it's her bitter truth. She has been used once and when she didn't give anymore usage, she was dumped. She feels like trash, her insides churned whenever she was reminded of her tragedy. Even if she doesn't address it loud, she feels horrible inside.  

Then comes the main part of being a woman. Women give birth to children and she lacked that. She was flawed, inside and out.  

It's the fact. 

She can't hide, or run away or even forget about it. It's her bitter reality. No one best deserved her. If someone, perhaps, who would deserve to marry her again would be the one who has sailed the same ship as her.  

He could be an aged man, a divorcee as well, a man who has children to take care of, someone like that. She has fixed that in mind long back because she cannot burden her parents even more.  

About Maahi? Well, he was out of her league.  

Crushes happen to teenagers, while adults fall in love. She is an adult now and for her, the word 'Love' is deceiving and more like betraying.  

Once the one she loved didn't reciprocate it back, cheated on her, betrayed her trust, deceived her with lies and after causing all the turmoil, he didn't take a stand when her boat was sinking. He let her go, sink in the abyss.  

The above one was enough of a lesson for a lifetime to haunt her nights. And what assurance could one give for the sentence "All Men Are The Same" because they are the same in the reality?  

How would she be hundred percent sure that perhaps Maahi or someone other than him would be any different? 

Oh! Does those kind act? They do them to make the lady in act to fall for them and when they finally achieve their mission, they don't even spare a second glance.  

She has promised herself one thing, she would eventually think about her second marriage, but only with the one who is in the lowest of the lows like her. Because she knew she won't be happy again and she wants to settle with the one who is on the same page as her. All for one reason, they would know her pain and understand her the way she should be understood. To trust with the fact that she wasn't the one who did the mistake in the past and they would not account her for the things she shouldn't be accounted for.  

Finally, the main topic of discussion is to be concluded for the last time and she wanted to clear her head of his thoughts. He was in the same city as her and there would be a lot of coincidences happening in the future, so, she should be sure of one thing, she was over him and she would ignore him to the best of her abilities so that, he won't notice her in the crowd, because he deserved someone better and someone who is not 'her'.  

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