Chapter Five

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We all pile out of the car as soon as the driver opens the door. Herald Kim stands to steps to my right with a stoic face. Lord Jeon and Scholar Kim stand on my left- I blush as they stand a little closer than the others do. Hobi hyung and Agust D protect my back while Healer Kim flanks Herald Kim. I look at the pavement as we start moving towards the building.

Healer Kim sighs quietly as he says, "Thankfully it's Sunday. The Concilium doesn't convene on Sundays."

Hobi hyung asks, "Why is that a good thing? I thought we were here to talk to them."

Lord Jeon says, "Although it might take time to gather the Membrim we won't have to deal with reporters. They would be a menace in protecting His Highness' identity."


I guess it makes sense. In a "I have no clue what's going on" kind of way. I'm their Keeper, I'll have to lead them someday so I might as well play by their rules...

That's terrifying.

I can't even wake up on time most days- how can I lead a whole people? I forget to eat! I once passed out because I got it into my head that I needed to lose weight. I barely make enough money to cover my part of rent. How do they expect me to take care of them when I didn't even know I belonged? 

Healer Kim smiles and says, "Highness, if you would pull up your hood so as to hide your face."

Before I can think I feel a large hand grab hold of my hood. I smile softly as Lord Jeon pulls my hood up and over as low as it will go- obscuring my sight to where I can only see our feet. He smiles as Scholar Kim grabs his hand, "Shall we go in?"

Taking in a soft breath I nod silently. I close my eyes as fear grips me. This is real. This is something no one could imagine. It's like a fantasy novel. I mean someone who has had no one their whole life and now they're supposed to lead a people they thought they would forever be an outsider of... 

Am I an interloper in this society?

I'm only nineteen. Am I good enough to lead a people? I've never been anything- I've never been anyone. The only person to ever believe in me was Hobi hyung. He was the first person to really show me love. He took me in and cared for me when no one else would. I remember how protective over me he used to be, he wouldn't even let me walk home alone. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I try to catch Hobi hyung's face. The usually energetic man's face is set in stone. He walks in tandem with Agust D. His shoulder are tense and his jaw seems to be permanently set.

We ascend the steps just in time for the large doors to open on their own. I try to catch glimpses of things around me but Lord Jeon moves his hand to the top of my back- holding my head in place lest someone catches a glimpse of me. Not only is it hard to see with my gaze downcast but we're moving at a speed I- nor my little legs (only I'm allowed to call myself short-) am used to. When we suddenly come to a halt I hear a voice rasps out, "Why have we been called here?"

Wow. Not even a greeting.

Lord Jeon's  dark chuckle sends chills down my spine (I want him to top me so bad but I've got to forget about that), "Perhaps we'll explain once inside Concilium Kim. If you'd please join the rest of the Concil."

"Yes my Lord." I hear the annoyance as he mutters under his breath. I blink and suppress a giggle as I realize he's upset Lord Jeon is his obvious superior. As the oak doors open he says in disdain, "And who else has joined your ragtag group?"

Ragtag? How old is this man? And if Lord Jeon has ranks on this man why would he so blatantly disrespect him? And those he's associated with? I don't understand why someone as brunt and disrespectful as him is on a Concil. Aren't they meant to be smart?

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