Chapter Seven

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"Don't worry baby! I know you can do it." Smiling I turn to my left and see Jungkook hyung. He's dressed in a dark red tux, white undershirt, and black tie. He smiles at me with a fondness I just know is for me. "You've got this. You've come a long way..."

"He's right sweetheart." Giggling I turn to my right and see Tae hyung. He's dressed in a soft grey suit, white undershirt, and black tie. He chuckles before touching my shoulder gently, "These are your people. They've waited a long time to meet you. You'll be fine. You have your family by your side."


No that isn't right...

I don't have a family.

But maybe I can pretend in this moment...

"I'm still nervous," I whisper softly. Hoping to garner more affection with the pout I know they can't turn away. It might be stupid but I know that playing to my advantages makes my life way easier. I've never had anyone who would do anything like they do. They treat me like I'm worth more than I have ever been. They hold me when I get sad. They don't even need me to say a word...

They just know.

Slowly I blink awake. I smile softly as I realize Jungkook hyung is holding me while Tae hyung is sort of laying on top of us? He's wrapped his arm around Jungkook hyung from the other side of me while laying his torso across mine almost as if he wants to make sure I can't move.

And he probably does.

I acted pretty stupid last night, sending them away because I was scared they would reject me. Scared that what we did together was a mistake. But what else was I supposed to think? That two men who seem perfect for each other would want to bring my mess into their lives? It's almost unfathomable. At least now I know the truth. Now I know that I was actually stupid- well more so than usual.

I should have probably told Hobi hyung where I was going before I disappeared though...

It'll be fine.

Sighing I start to remove myself from the unintentional Jenga on the bed. I barely make it off the bed before I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull slightly. Turning I see Jungkook hyung looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Almost questioning if I was going to leave again.

'Bathroom.' I mouth while pointing to the door I hope leads to the en suite. He smiles as he lets go and points to a dresser right next to it. Smiling I head over and start to riffle through it. Pulling randomly at clothes I don't know belong to who I grab a pair of joggers that I know one hundred percent I'm going to have to roll up and a black t-shirt with "Jeon" written on the back. I slowly make my way towards the bathroom and slip in after shooting them one last look. With how dominant Tae hyung was last night I can't believe how peaceful and full of innocence he seems to be.

Is that the same man who made me cum twice in an hour? The same man who told me they were going to wreck me?

Their duality is crazy. They're both so strong but right now I can see how sweet and adorable they are. Which kind of makes sense, they're the youngest of their hyungs... minus me. They don't really act like they're older than me, they don't act like they deserve certain treatment just because they're my hyung. They act like we're on the same page. Even if they are my hyung and my dom they treat me like I'm no less than they are. They make me feel safe and cared for without being condescending. They might not love me yet but I can tell that's where we're headed and I honestly don't mind.

I mean none of the hyungs act like that but the fact that these are going to be my doms and they treat me equally is good. Some doms try to lord everything over you to the point you don't feel safe. I can tell they'll do anything in their power to make sure I'm safe and cared for.

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