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"So, Whitney, what would you like in reward for your help the other night?" Michael asks as they, Michael, John and Whitney are sitting in his office the next day. 

They swept for bugs before they came in and since Simon was in the cell they didn't find any. They are more or less convinced that Simon is not only guilty, but the only other person that worked for Kurt.

"I am not asking for any reward, Michael. There is no need for it. If I hadn't led the attack then someone else would have. You don't reward the ones leading the attacks like that."

Michael sits back and looks thoughtfully at Whitney, "You are both correct and incorrect. The only two times it has been necessary to deal with people like that were the times when you or John were in their not so gentle care. I led the attack to recover you and John the first time.

"The majority of the money went to me and John, since we control the mafia, but you were rewarded as well, since we wouldn't have been able to find you and John without your help. 

"As for last night, I allowed you to lead because I knew you would go with or without my permission and it would be better to let you go in and clear out the ones that were most likely to kill my people. It worked beautifully. 

"You put yourself in the danger zone by doing that. You therefor have earned a reward and before you turn it down, it will be that way with any one that takes that position. What would you like as a reward? I know you aren't interested in money or things."

Whitney bites her lip, she looks at John and at his nod she turns back to Michael. "I want to try out for your street racing team. I want to see if I qualify to race with them."

Michael raises his eyebrow, "You street race?"

Whitney smiles brilliantly at him. "One of my missions I had to go to street races. I was able to race a few times and loved it."

Michael leans forward a bit. "We'll actually be holding try outs shortly. I can't guarantee you a spot, you have to earn that on your own, but," Michael smiles at her, "I would love to see you race.

"Are you sure that's all you want from me? I would be happy to let you try out on your own any way."

"That's all, unless I qualify, then I would like to race for you. I would love my own street car."

Michael looks thoughtfully at Whitney. Then he smiles. "If you can win a spot on my team I'll buy you a street car. 

"Try outs are next week. I'll let you know the time and place. I'm sure that John will want to watch with me. I normally don't bother with the try outs, but I think I'll come this year. Good luck on them, Whitney." Michael says.

Whitney excited jumps up from her seat and races around the desk and gives him a bear hug and a heated kiss.

She only lets go when John makes a muttered comment.

She then goes back to  John and does the same thing to him.

They wait for Whitney to leave before they start talking again. Whitney leaves with a smile on her face at her dream possibly coming true. Ever since she street raced on that assignment she's always dreamed of having her own car. She loves speed and the thrill of having a powerful car in her control as she races down the street gives her a thrill that she hasn't found in any other activity she's done.

"You really are letting her try out for my street team?" Michael demands once the door is shut behind her.

John frowns sourly, "Yeah, I can't deny her. I foolishly promised her that I would talk to you about it and forgot. This is her taking her chance. She likes racing. Says she's pretty good, but not having seen her drive," John shrugs. He doesn't doubt that she can drive, he's just not sure that Whitney can handle the high speed and obstacles that can come out of nowhere for street racing. There's a reason that it's illegal.

"I am hoping that she doesn't make the team." John sighs before they get to work on the current problem they have facing them.

"You should let Whitney know, John. She won't be happy if she finds out on her own." Michael doesn't know much about relationships but he knows that much. Whitney will likely break up with John over this if he doesn't talk to her about it.

"I don't think so, Michael. Have you got the paternity tests back for Kiara and Carmen?" John says effectively ending the discussion. Michael shakes his head at his brother's stupidity. 

This isn't something little. Whitney trusts John like she doesn't trust any one else. She is not going to like what John has planned for the next night. Especially since Carmen told him that Whitney has a special date planned for her and John. For him to do what he has planned he'll have to break his date with Whitney. When she finds out the reason why, all hell's going to explode.

"Yeah, better bring every body in. That means Whitney too, while you are at it, better tell her that you are going to be breaking the date you have with her. She won't be happy, Carmen says that she's gone all out for it being something special." Michael stops when John holds his hand up to get him to shut up.

"I will. Just shut up about tomorrow night." John isn't happy about what he's doing but he doesn't want Whitney to find out about it either. He's afraid that if she finds out that she'll leave him. He's never cheated on her before and doesn't have any intentions of doing so again, but this bitch won't leave him alone and they need her business. It's the price of her working with them.

John picks up his phone and calls Whitney back in. Michael calls Carmen and Kiara in. Since the night John was taken from the other mafia Kiara and her brother have been special guests of theirs. Kiara sharing the room with Carmen. The girls have talked a great deal and have become rather good friends. Whitney is often a visitor there and has come to like Kiara as well. She takes out her anger over what happened on Kurt. She makes sure that he will never have children. That was the first thing she did and had both Carmen and Kiara watch. 

Carmen had rather enjoyed watching Kurt have his favorite body parts mutilated and removed. Kiara watched but kept a blank expression on her face. They weren't sure until they talked to her that she was alright with what happened.

Her response pleased but was no little shocking, "I'm glad that bastard will never be able to have kids. If the baby is his, then I'll be having an abortion."

Carmen feels the same and will be getting one as well if it's his.

They are more than happy to finally have the answer to who is the father of their child.

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