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Once John ends the call he rolls over to the bitch. He'd caught the name she called him by as well. If they know that he's John then they likely have his weapons as well. He needs to get them back before anything else. Well, almost before anything else. 

He needs answers and he needs them fast. Fortunately for him there is someone here that can give him some. Maybe not all of them, but some of them at least.

John places his hand around her neck and demands in his coldest voice, "Just who the fuck are you? Why the fuck are you in my bed? How the hell did I get here and why am I naked?" He allows the look that terriffies people to come out. He'd kept it hidden since he was going undercover as Michael.

John allows his hand to relax just enough that the girl will be able to speak. "My name is Kiara, I'm Kurt's little sister. We met at lunch." At her words John's look just becomes even more dark and dangerous. Kiara starts tripping over herself to tell him what he wants to know.

"You were drugged."

"How, I didn't drink any of the wine." John growls out.

"It was in your food. Then Kurt helped me bring you up here. He wouldn't have done that if you had been willing to drink with him earlier or sleep with me like he offered."

"One of the few things my father taught us was to never mix pleasure with business. Alcohol and fucking only after the business is completed, never before."

"Well, that certainly explains why even though you were drugged you wouldn't let me touch you." John looks at her hard and she continues, "You told me to stop touching you or you would kill me. I believed you. Although we are both naked, nothing happened."

"Where the hell are my weapons?" John says after letting silence fall between them for a space.

"In the room safe. It's behind that painting on the wall opposite of us."

"Open it up and move real slow. I have no problems killing you without weapons. If you move slow you might end up alive by the end of things." John tells her and she gulps down in fear at the promise she reads there.

Kiara gets out of the bed moving slowly. She gets the feeling that her companion, she's no longer sure if it's Michael or John at this point, isn't watching her body. She's pretty sure that he's making plans on how to kill her if she doesn't do what he tells her to.

"Once you open the safe, and if there are any alarms you will make sure that they are turned off so we don't get a bunch of armed people rushing in. I would hate to kill in front of you, it might get a little messy."

In that moment Kiara had no doubt that she was right to call him John. 

"How far along are you?" John asks in the silence of the room.

Kiara stumbles and barely catches herself against the wall at his question. She looks at him in fear, "How did you know?"

"My girlfriend was pregnant for a time. I read up on the signs and symptoms. You haven't really started showing yet, but you have started getting the baby bump. So I would say that you are early on yet, not yet done with the first trimester."

Now Kiara is truly afraid of him. "Yes."

John gets dressed and comes over to her. "The safe isn't going to open by itself."

This reminds Kiara that she needs to open the safe for him to get his weapons out. She's so terrified of him by this point that she's shaking as she puts in the code. Once the safe is open she moves out of the way as quickly as she dares to move.

"You might want to get dressed. It will be far more chilly in the halls than it is here. You might not want to show yourself to everyone here."

Kiara looks at him, all fight gone out of her. He can see by the slump in her shoulders that she won't cause him any more trouble. "I can't."

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