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Once Michael finishes his calls they sit back down and turn their full attention to a shaking and crying Carmen. "Now, Carmen, I won't let John hurt you, but you need to tell us everything from the beginning. Especially the part about not knowing who the father of your baby is." Whitney says putting an arm around the crying girl's shoulder.

"The bastard that Michael went to see is my master. Much like you, Whitney, I was raised to be a whore, but wasn't touched. That was one of the differences between us. I don't know who my parents were. My earliest memories were of the mafia. I don't know if I was stolen or if my mother sold me, or if my mother was one of the whores and I was taken from her.

"They weren't sure what they were going to do to me, keep me and put me to work, keep me as a personal slave to the bastard or sell me. That's why I wasn't touched. I think they were waiting to see if I would grow up pretty. I wasn't pretty enough for the child perv's I guess.

"Since I wasn't touched I wasn't taught how to pleasure people yet. I lived terrified that they would decide to sell me and my life would likely be a horror filled one after that." Carmen turns to Whitney.

"I never went through what you did, but I lived in terror that I would.

"I was sent to the high school undercover to keep an eye on the twins. I was threatened with my life to just watch and report. I wasn't supposed to make contact. It was pure accident that I did. Kurt wasn't happy. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

"Kurt was furious when Kaiston date raped me. I wasn't even supposed to be at the party. I have no idea how I got there even. I was too afraid of Kurt to go against his orders. 

"When I woke up from the party, I was sore and alone, and confused as hell as to where the hell I even was. I found my clothes, a twenty on top of them and a note saying thanks for the lay."

"Fortunately they also brought me my phone. Once I was dressed I made my way out of the building and found the address. It was too far to walk from there to where I was staying. I called Kurt and told him what happened. 

"He was furious, I think more because he wasn't the one to steal my virginity than for any other reason. He came and got me and had me tested. I think the only reason he didn't beat me was because the test came back positive for a drug to knock me out. You see, I didn't remember anything from going to school earlier that day."

"I want a turn at Kaiston, John." Whitney says absolutely furious. She doesn't think that Kaiston worked alone at this point.

Michael nods, he is too angry to speak at this point. It wasn't just a date rape, but kidnapping as well. He hadn't known that she hadn't gone to that location on her own.

"Once Kurt found out that it truly wasn't my fault he didn't beat me. But he decided that since I was no longer a virgin that he would sample me for himself. If I had tried to fight him he would have just been even more brutal than he was. He is only gentle with those that are his favorites, like his sister."

"He sleeps with his sister?" Whitney asks then looks significantly at Michael.

"Yeah, but not like John and Michael. Word is that he trained her to be his personal whore from a young age. I don't know the truth of those claims or not. I just know that she spends nights with him and he uses her for many of his clients or potential clients. It was likely her that was in Michael's bed.

"He just finished and gave me my orders once more. That I was to watch and report on the twins here. That's what I did. John here doesn't see females so I didn't have a worry about him. But Michael, although he enjoys females, I never thought I would draw his attention. I never tried and was more shocked than anyone when he came to comfort me after that bitch went after me." Carmen has to stop her narration and take a few breaths as she recounts her story. They could all tell that she is having a hard time. Whitney, having been through much of what she went through understands and just holds her.

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