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Once Whitney can tell that Carmen is well and truly hot and bothered, she starts her questions. "Would you like me to stop, Carmen?" Whitney stops and waits for Carmen to reply.

"No, don't stop please," Carmen moans. She had never been turned on by a female before, but she has always thought Whitney to be beautiful and had started wondering what it would be like to be with her. She knows that both John and Michael very much enjoy being with her. She knows that Whitney was once a whore and has been with other females as well.

"Tell me Carmen," Whitney decides to start her questioning since Carmen is already well into the seduction. "Why were you truly coming to my bedroom?"

"I needed to talk to John, you know how much he scares me. I was hoping that being half asleep he wouldn't kill me before hearing me out." Carmen manages to get out in between moans as Whitney keeps on her seduction.

"Why would you need John to not kill you?" Whitney whispers in Carmen's ears.

"I'm pregnant, but I don't know who the father is." Carmen says but this time there are tears.

These words cause Whitney to stop her seduction. "What do you mean, you don't know who the father is?" Whitney demands the very information that Michael very much wants to know.

Carmen sighs, "This is the part where I wanted John to not kill me." Carmen looks over to Michael. "What I'm about to tell you, well, Michael tried to kill me when he heard that my father was mafia. What I'm about to tell you is worse. I wanted to tell Michael before, but I couldn't. My life was threatened and then with the way Michael was I was terrified of him. There was no way I'd be able to tell him." Carmen looks at Michael with tears in her eyes not knowing that Michael is actually before her rather than John.

Michael for his part does his best to hide the guilt her words give him. "Shit, this conversation shouldn't be done in the hall. Whitney will make sure that you aren't harmed until after your story is finished." Michael finally says and has her go into Whitney's room.

"I was actually hoping that Michael and John switched places this time," Carmen starts out after they make themselves comfortable. Michael directly across from her.

"Why's that, Carmen?" Whitney asks her. She's sitting with Carmen on the bed. 

"I need to start at the beginning."

"No, you need to tell me why you wanted me at this meeting rather than Michael." Michael is letting out his inner John at this point.

Carment looks at him nervously. "I know him, he's not trustworthy. If the people he wants to work with don't give him the terms he wishes he drugs them and has his sister or another whore seduce him. They'll get blackmail on him or something else to bring him in line. I don't think that Michael will be able to resist a female, whether drugged or not. I think that John not only could, but would."

"I need to make a phone call," Whitney stands up.

"Twelve hours, less if I can get things together sooner. You'll be in charge, Whitney." Michael says making his own calls as Whitney calls John.

Whitney is anxious as the phone rings and John doesn't pick it up. Just as it is about to go to voicemail she hears, "Hello?" John's voice is very sleepy, far more than she's ever heard it when she wakes him up.

"Hello, Michael, did I wake you?" Whitney asks more than a little amused, but at the same time she's very angry. She suspects that he's been drugged at this point.

"Yes, as a matter of fact you did, love." John can't help the warmth that creeps into his voice as he hears Whitney speaking to him. He doesn't feel the bed move or realize that he has a bedmate until she speaks.

"John, go back to sleep it's too early to be up." But even then it doesn't even really register to him.

"Michael, why is there a female in bed with you telling you to go back to sleep? And she's calling you John," Whitney is more than a little angry at this time. She could see Michael doing that to her, but not John. Not even drugged.

"I don't know, I can't remember anything after lunch. Hell, I don't even remember all of lunch. Finishing it, anything after especially coming back to this room. I sure as hell don't remember inviting a female to share it with me." John says anger waking him up more effectively than anything else. Whitney could leave him for this. As he moves he realizes that he's completely naked under the covers. He can only assume the bitch in bed with him is as well.

"I see," Whitney says after a pause. "I'll see you soon. John has a few things to talk about with you when you get back, then it will be my turn." Whitney tells him very seriously.

John swallows hard at the tone in her voice. "How many things does John need to talk to me about?" He's hoping for a low number. He's aware that his phone is very likely bugged at this point and understands the code Whitney is using.

"I'm not sure, I think the list has gone up to twelve at this point, but he keeps adding and taking things off of it. He's being rather secretive about the whole thing and won't tell me what it's about." At this John does raise his eyebrow. Michael is sending in Whitney to lead the team that's coming for him.

John sighs, "I just hope he doesn't get up to twenty or so. He gets overly stressed about things."

"We'll be having a guest by the time you get back as well." Whitney tells him. She doesn't think that Carmen has anything to do with the bugging. She doesn't have the training, nor has she ever been near the study. She's been warned to not go in unless one of the brothers invites her and neither one has.

"Very good. Any one that I know?" John is more than a little curious at this point.

"Yes, I'm sure you do, but I want to keep it a surprise." Whitney says smiling.

"Sounds good, love. Is there anything else?"

"Just this, tell that bitch that dared to get in bed with you, that I'm coming for her." Whitney says very seriously. It makes chills run down John's spine.

"I'll be happy to pass on the message love. Now, I think we should both get to sleep. Tell John he's not keeping you occupied enough if you are making phone calls at this time of night."

"He's keeping me plenty occupied. Just taking a break right now, you could say." Whitney purrs back at him.

In spite of himself John lets out a laugh at her words and the way she says them so satisfied.

"I'm sure that he is. Good night, love." John says as he ends the call. He doesn't even set his phone down before rolling over to the other side of the bed and getting the females neck under his hand. Only then does he set his phone down. The look of terror isn't easily seen, but it's there. The female starts hyperventilating as he stares down at her.

"Now, bitch, just who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my bed and we're both naked?"

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