twenty six

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Reader POV

"A psychiatrist? So you did already know what you wanted to be when I asked you on our date?" Someone said running to me. I turned around and naturally it was Atsumu. Once he got to me he stopped.

"Not exactly. I knew I wanted to help people with their mental health, I just didn't know about doing it as a career but now I've decided that's what I want to do. I struggle with my anxiety and stuff. I can't go to therapy cause of money but I want to help someone else like me get that chance at getting help." I say.

"I'm proud of you." Atsumu says patting my shoulder.

"I would have never thought you'd be so bold and say you wanted to be with me. Albeit just from "time to time." Atsumu says laughing

"I was trying to prove my dominance. Are you intimidated?" I say in a teasing voice.

"Not at all." Atsumu says smiling.

"Then what are you feeling?" I say still in a jokingly voice.

"I mean I'm feeling happy. You found what you're passionate about and what you want to do in life. I won't have to nag you about it. You're growing up...Is the end of our chapters nearing?! Is the book almost done?" Atsumu says dramatically.

"So dramatic...." I say.

"I can't believe we've known each other for months... it's so weird." I say a bit randomly.

"Yeah. So on that topic... were you serious about being with me?" Atsumu says scratching his neck.

"Well yeah! You're the one who suggested the idea. I'll be with you from time to time and cheer you on once you're a professional volleyball player."

"Heh. Thank you." He says.

Atsumu POV

To say I was shocked by y/n's boldness at lunch would be an understatement. She's usually more stern when she's with me but today she was like that everyone. Like she wasn't nervous or anything. She's come a long way since I first met her leaving crumbs in the gym. She said she'll be with me from "time to time", I don't think that's enough but at least she'll be here in Japan with me. I was worried she'd go to another country and that I wouldn't see her again.

"Heh, why don't we be roommates once we are in university?" I say giggling.

"That'd be fun but I know I would get no work done being your roommate." She says in a teasing voice.

"That's true...."

"Okay well volleyball practice is starting now so let's go before Kita gets mad at us."

"He would probably let me slide." Y/N says.

"He would...." I pout.

Once we arrive at the gym, y/n goes off to her normal manager duties while I go to do my normal routine and change.

After I change I notice everyone is just doing there own thing. I guess i'm a bit late.

" 'Tsumu." Osamu says from right behind me.

"What is it?"

"Do you lov-"

"Shut yer trap." I say embarrassed knowing what his question was going to be.

'Samu doesn't say anything else has he grabs a few free volleyball balls and spikes them over to the other side of the gym. I join in so I can spike as well. Once I play volleyball I feel a bit better about things.

"So if you don't, what if I told her I loved her?"

I turn to 'Samu surprised. He doesn't say anything as I glare at him. He barely talks to her, what is he talking about? Telling her that he loves her?

"So you do love her." Osamu says.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"You gave me the glare you give people when they don't meet your expectations in volleyball. I never thought I'd see you get so angry about anything besides volleyball or food."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me 'Samu. I've changed." I say smiling spiking the ball which ends up getting blocked.

"Yeah. You've changed as in your spikes have gotten weaker." 'Samu says.

"If you love her-"

"Ahem." I day cutting him off.

"If you like her, why don't you just tell her?"

"I said I would wait to tell her although I probably spilled it out a bit on the date. I haven't said it formally or anything."

"Why would you wait if you like her so much?"

" So then we are both better versions of ourselves and then it ensures that we will actually be together."

"Confessing your liking towards someone and being in a relationship with someone don't always happen together. You can just confess and say you'll wait then be friends."

"Your advice doesn't sound so good." I say but I take a look at y/n whose talking with our coach.

"So then it's just doesn't go back and forth. She'll know you like her and if she likes you she'll wait for you. Isn't that better than just holding stuff in?"

"When did you become a motivational speaker? I thought you weren't interested in stuff like romance."

"Im not. Romance is dead. You guys just look like frogs hopping from "being friends" then "hating each other" then back to "obviously liking one another."

"Do we really look like that 'Samu?"


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