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"Stay calm"

The next day it was something different. You were going to go to a game to watch teams play. You were surprised that your school managed to afford all of this but you most definitely weren't going to complain either. It was about noontime when you were are all gathered to go. Where the teams are playing is not too far. It was about a seven-minute walk.

Once the coach checks to make sure everyone is around you guys left, walking in just a bit cluster, a group. You were in the back, however, taking pictures. 'What can I say? I want to capture the beauty of this place.'

"What are you doing?"

Startled by the sudden voice behind you, you turned to see Osamu.

"Oh, I'm just taking pictures of the scenery. I want to make the most of this y'know?"

"Yeah, I understand."

It got silent between you after that. Osamu was always kind of stoic and not one of many words. 'I get a bit awkward around him. He was so different than Atsumu but I kind of liked that. Less noise and stuff.'

You made it to the stadium where the games were happening and waited patiently. Everyone had to sit close to one another and you were the first to sit down all the way to the right. Atsumu sat next to you and the rest of the members followed. You weren't really close to where they were playing but not too far either.

"You ready?" I said asking Atsumu while the game began.

"Shhh," Atsumu responded.

'Oh right. I forgot how serious Atsumu can be with volleyball. It's actually quite amusing to see him so serious in something.'

"I can feel you staring at me," Atsumu said.

Embarrassed by his this you looked away quickly."Oh! Sorry sorry."

The game was between two teams, looked to be college teams. One had green shirts and the other has yellow shirts. The score so far was G-6 and Y-10.

"I bet G will win....." You whispered as you viewed the match intensely.

"It'll be Y, trust me," Atsumu said.

"Yeah but I bet G will make a comeback."



Atsumu seemed to be getting annoyed at your persistence and huffed.

"Okay look." Atsumu leaned over to you and put his arm around your shoulder to bring you closer to him and pointed to a player in the game.

"The yellow team is good but the setter is terrible. His sets are practically untouchable and too high so that's why his teammates can't hit it. Now, look at team green. They don't have a lot of power, true but their setter doesn't suck as much as the other one and he adapts to his teammates playing skills."

"You're so.... honest," You giggled.

"Were you even paying attention to the key points I made?!" Atsumu said raising his voice but it didn't seem like he was trying to be mean.


Osamu observed you and Atsumu's interaction. He had to admit to himself that he was a bit amazed. 'Usually once 'Tsumu is watching a volleyball game or playing in one, no one can get him out of his "rude" mood. He would've yelled at someone if they kept talking like
(y/n) was.'He hates distractions with a passion. I guess maybe that thing (y/n) said about 'Tsumu trying to be a better person was true......but knowing 'Tsumu who knows.'

Osamu whispered to both you and Atsumu. "This is new,"

"What's new?" You questioned.

" Would you look at that, Atsumu isn't being his normal self." Aran said with a smirk on his face looking at you which caused you to smirk a bit as well.

Atsumu looked at Aran, confused. He hadn't noticed a difference in him."My normal self?"

"You know.... the way you usually act."

"Hm..... no I don't."

Aran sighed and just left the conversation at that. There was no getting to him. He's so dense sometimes.'

The game was going for a long time and you were at the edge of my seat. The yellow team was close to catching up but the Green team was still in the lead for a bit.

"come on come on...." You mumbled.

You had to admit being in this stadium with all these people made you a bit anxious. You're not sitting directly next to someone you don't know but you were still close to other people. You could feel my breathing get a little faster and you tried to calm yourself down before a panic attack comes. You closed your eyes hoping and trying to regulate my breathing pattern.

"Breath in then out" You hear a voice say next to you. You opened your eyes to see Atsumu's eyes closed and he's just taking exaggerated deep breaths. His teammates were looking at him a bit weird.

" Atsumu what're you doing?" Kita asked as Atsumu continued his action.

"This match is making me angry and I need to calm myself," Atsumu said and he seemed to be a lot of effort into saying the word calm.

You got what he was trying to do and followed suit. You closed your eyes again and then took deep breaths slowly. You did this for maybe about fifteen seconds and felt yourself calming down.

'Breathe in then out. I wonder if anyone's staring at me while I'm doing this... okay don't think about that. Breath in then out.'

"(y/n)?! Did Atsumu's weirdness get to you too?!" You heard a voice call out to you but I just smiled a bit while you continued to do this breathing exercise to calm yourself. It took about two minutes but you felt more grounded now. You opened your eyes to see Atsumu still doing the exercise.

"I think I'm calm now," You nudged Atsumu's arm, not looking at him. You could see from the corner of your eye that he stopped with the exercise and opened his eyes.

"Thank you," You said quietly not looking at him. Atsumu was the only person besides your mom who knows about your anxiety. You felt embarrassed just thinking about someone knowing but Atsumu knowing hasn't actually been so bad. You gave him a bright smile.

"Now you owe me."

"What?!" You said turning to Atsumu.

'Oh, not this again.'

"Just kidding."

"You're not really funny."

"All the females at school seem to think so though."

𝐈 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 - 𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐔 𝐌.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon