Part 5-2

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This is just like a filler episode about what Emma and Norman were doing, except it's very important. So this chapter probably won't be very long...

The sound of the old library computer clicking at a rapid pace filled the nearly empty building as time slowly passed by. 

Norman's eyes seemed to be glossed over from not blinking as his fingers moved across the key bored at a constant speed. 

A couple more tables down Emma could be found lightly banging her head on the table.

The pair had been trying to find solid evidence of were a killer named 'Lucifer' was hiding. He had gotten his name from his first kill in Gunma.

Gore warning!

The victim had been an old, religious lady. It was said that she had been found slumped against the wall, organs spilling out of her stomach and eyes gone. It was specifically made to look as if she had been crying blood. 

On the wall were painted wings, confirmed to be made by the women's blood, and were 'attached' to the body. On her wrist was a message in neat handwriting, "Looks like an angel has fallen!"


The message on the woman's wrist was the most important thing to them, and they had been running a simulation to find a match for similar handwriting. 

But with 43.3 million people in the Kanto region it wasn't exactly going as smoothly as they'd hoped. 

Even though they narrowed it down to 5 percent of the population, that's still 2,165,000 people... Emma was still laying her head on the desk, saying a word with each bang.

"I, just, want, a, perfect, match." It was wishful thinking that they'd crack a case big enough to get L's attention within an hour, Emma knew that, but that didn't mean she couldn't try.

"Emma, if you keep doing that you could really hurt yourself." Norman pointed out, already knowing there was going to be a bruise at some point. He didn't even have to look at her to realize she had a big red spot on her forehead.

Emma only sighed in affirmation and the soft banging noise had gone. She had decided to log onto an available computer and re-read blogs about the criminal going by Lucifer as an attempt to stumble upon something new.

After half an hour Emma is able to create a grid of where all of Lucifer's killings were based off of internet knowledge.

For a while it just looked like a dot plot of two weird circles, but upon further inspection it had been a much more complicated shape. They had been making Lucifers pentagram, and only one point was missing.

"Norman, I know where he's gonna kill next! I just don't know when, or who..." Emma trailed off, losing her train of thought, but still finding a hint that would help them.

Norman moved over to Emma, allowing the simulation to continue searching for a perfect match instead of looking into the ones that were similar.

When he saw the shape on the grid heis face broke out into a grin, excited about Emma's discovery.

"We could just send that to the police, but it probably wouldn't capture L's attention. We have to find the person responsible. This is really important, nice job, Emma." Norman reached up to ruffle her hair and in response she tried to swat his hands away. Failing in her mission to get away she pouted, going back to the computer to continue looking.

Just a moment later who could hear a chime, signaling a match was found. Things started to turn their way as they found out what college 'Lucifer' went to. 

His real name was Danno Sakamoto and he was 26 years old. Luckily he lives in the school dorms too. 

Making sure to print out his documents and the map Emma made, they then prepared it in an envelope. Knowing that this was a team effort, and the fact that they can't use their names, they signed it Ren, Ray Emma Norman. It was the beginning of their names and sounded japanese, so it hid their identity well. 

Emma then took the envelope, skipping over to the librarian. They had made quite the connection, sometimes she would bring mini sandwiches for them.

"Hello, Ms.Kobayashi! I have a favor to ask you." The old woman smiled down at her energetic attitude.

"Of course, dearie. What can I do for you." Emma pulled out the large yellow envelope from behind her back and reached up slightly to place it on her desk.

"On your next break could you bring this to the police station?"  At this the old lady raised in eyebrow, eyes shining with interest and curiosity, but she did not question Emma.

"I could go in about fifteen minutes if that's alright for you." She answered kindly and Emma nodded her head enthusiastically. 

When Emma saw the woman put the envelope off to the side she happily skipped back to the table Norman was sitting at. Together they waited, but soon got bored with nothing to do. 

After a while they decided to go to the park to meet up with Sayu, Ray could find them if they weren't at the library anyway. 

That day they spent time with Sayu, aka Kiyu. Ray had come back in the early afternoon with something weighing on his mind, and the others could tell. But they made sure to talk about it without Sayu, not knowing if they should tell her that they think her brother is Kira.

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