Part 6

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The cattle children, or, past cattle children made plans with Sayu today. Even though the risk of Sayu giving something away is iffy, she can be a pretty good actor. 

They decided to tell her some of what they know, giving evidence to prove their point. The plan was to get her to hang out with her brother more, maybe even talk about Kira and why she's thankful he's here.

Hopefully by doing this we could get more evidence against him. That doesn't mean they don't feel a little bit guilty for using their friend to get info from a mass murderer.

"How much longerrrrrrrr." Emma held out the r childishly as she rolled in the grass outside. 

"We won't be going to the cafe for another hour or so, why don't you just read a book or something." Ray mumbled the last sentence, a slight amount of annoyance slipping through his voice.

"What I'm worried about it is when L will respond. It's been a couple of days and we solved about 5 cases in that time. We even made sure into include a bit of code.... Did we not do enough to get his attention?" Doing his best to not lose his cool, Norman took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

Clouds moved slowly and there was a small breeze. It wasn't summer but the sun was still shining. The peaceful day was able to bring a soft smile to Normans face.

It was silent for a while, the siblings laying down in the park, gazing at the sky. But it also game them a quiet time to think. 

Where did their siblings end up? If there was the farms and this, is there another world they could have gone too? And the worst of all, are they still alive?

Nobody wanted to even consider the possibility of their own family dying. Especially after all the years they fought, laughed, and cried together. The pain of losing even one of their siblings would be worse than losing a limb.

Time flew by, no one saying a thing. Over half an hour went by when the kids held hands, gazing at the sky above them.

"We should get going..." Emma murmured, but they stayed still for a moment longer before slowly getting up. 


"Whaaaaaat? Does it have to be now?" Sayu whined as she pulled on her coat and shoes.

"Your father's been pulling overnight shifts with no change of clothes, so you're going to bring these to him." Sachiko spoke sternly, placing a large paper bad on the table.

"But Mooooom, I totally promised my friends that I'd go out with them today." Sayu held out the letters in her words, making sure to be dramatic. Just then Light came downstairs and walked into the living room.

"Why don't I go? I could use a break." A kind smile was placed on Light Yagami's face, no one would suspect his perfectly formed mask.

"Thanks, Light. I owe you one next time!" Sayu chuckled as she walked out the door, shoving a few chips into her mouth.


Light walked down the streets, double checking he had a piece of the death note on him.

"So I guess this will give you a chance to spy on the police." Ryuk floated over Light upside down, occasionally waving his hand through Light's shoulder to annoy him.

"I won't go further than the reception desk." Light spoke as if it were obvious, even though it pretty much was. Why would he build suspicion for himself? 

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