Part 1

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Just gonna say, there will be no ships or Oc's in this story. Thanks for reading! <3

It was dark, with a faint light further ahead. The walls felt like damp brick, and they new they had ended up in an alleyway. The problem was, they only saw each other. There was only Ray, Emma, and Norman, their family nowhere in sight. Emma's grip on Norman's and Ray's hands grew tighter as she panic began to take over.

" Where are they? Where did they go? Are they okay? Are we even in the same world as them?" Norman looked over to Emma as tears fell from her face, trying to calm her down by bringing her into a hug.

" Don't worry, we've been through harder things than this, we'll be okay. First we just have to find out how this world works, use their technology, and find our siblings." Ray reassured Emma, but even he couldn't help the quessiness in his stomach, forcing him to worry about his siblings.

" He's right, and the first thing we need to do is blend in. I bet we stick out like a sore thumb." Norman agreed with a serious look on his face, pulling away from Emma but refusing to let go of her hand. Emma nodded with a sniff, her nose already runny. She was able to stop the tears but the worry never left her face even as they began walking the not so busy streets. Using his peripherals, Ray scouted the area. It seemed to be a busy city, calmed down from the low sun, indicating it was at least eight P.M. But with the few people that walked pass the three kids in all white clothes he managed to Pickpocket. That is until Emma brought them to an abrupt stop.

" Gilda would love this." Both Norman and Ray looked over to see what Emma was talking about and saw some dark jeans with a green blouse on a tall white mannequin.

" She would, wouldn't she... Do you want to go in? We could get a few things and figure out what today's fashion is like." Norman stated, a part of him just wanting to so his sibling happy.

" That would probably be smart, seeing three young kids in all white with numbers on their necks isn't exactly normal. We're lucky there weren't that many people in the streets today. And we won't have to worry about money, I found some near the gutter earlier." Ray commented to push the idea further to buy new clothes, even if it took a bit of lying.

" Ya, that sounds like a good idea, let's go." Emma gave them a small smile, still eyeing the outfit on the mannequin. When they walked into the small shop a chime sounded through the building, notifying the older looking women at the register that someone had walked in. She eyed them suspiciously but let them roam the shop anyway. The moved through eiles of racks full with clothing. Emma had found a pair of light washed overalls and an orange sweater like turtle neck to hide the set of numbers on the side of her neck. Ray found a black and gray jacket along with ripped black jeans that he liked and decided to keep the white shirt they got from the orphanage as a reminder of what they accomplished. And finally Norman got normal mens jeans and a dark brown sweater and a light blue scarf that almost looked white.

They moved on to buy the clothes, laying it out in front of the lady at the register. It seemed like she didn't believe they had money based on her slightly sour expression, but still held an amount of pity. Ray got out the amount of money he got, counting it before getting their total to see he had 122 dollars in total. Luckily, they had gotten clothes from a clearance sale rack, knowing that they may not have a lot of money.

" Your total will be 180 today, you can also donate to the homeless kids center today, even so much as a dollar can help." Okay, so maybe he had overestimated the amount he was able to get... but that's where barganing comes in. Ray put the money on the table and spoke up, knowing it wasn't nearly enough to pay for all the clothes.

" If we can get the clothes now than all three of us can work here free of charge for a week." The women glared.

" Two weeks." She fired back, in all seriousness. That's when Emma cut in.

" A week, and we'll get you 300 costumers this week." A fiery look of determination blazed in Emma's eyes as the older lady's gaze wavered.

' Wait no, why! Small shops like this only get around 140 customers a week!' Both Norman and Ray thought at the same time as there was a small gloom in the air. Now they'd have to give this place a major glow up to get peoples attention.

" Fine." As she handed over the clothes they bought, she also gave them a stack of folded clothes. " These need to be ironed in the back room then hung up on the correct racks sorted by size and brand."

' At least it worked...'

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