I ignited my Sky Flames on my forehead with the resolve to stop my male Mist and Cloud Guardians from (most definitely brutally) killing each other and went through the barrier, my back disappearing from the others' view.  Momentarily deminishing my flames afterwards I looked to see my indeed fighting, missing Friends within a field that very much looked like a nuclear bomb went loose while blasting the actual impact in varying intensity on the poor, defenseless ground.

'Paperwork' I thought tiredly as I imagined the little devil's joining my already existing stack and homework along with Reborn's tor-tutoring at home.
I got goosebumps just thinking of it; surely none of my regular classmates would understand my fears. I checked the time on the school's outer wall and concluded that classes would start in 10min.

I reached out to my other Guardians via our bond, nudging them with less frequent intervals, telling them to get to class ahead of me. Gokudera's bond flared up in protest but I blocked him out, a a sign of 'I will not have it'.
Then I strengthened my flames back to their original intensity, making it so the two should finally take notice of my arrival.

I then placed one hand over the other, away from me and let my hard flames burst me in the opposite direction.
Right when Hibari was gonna strike Mukuro in the face with his tonfa and with a trident ready to impale his face I rushed in between the two and called out: "Natsu: Cambio Forma Modo Difensa" to block both of their attacks.

When I felt them colliding against my shield I gathered Sky flames and retracted the cloak only to burst them away from each other with my soft flame. They both landed on their knees  as I stood up in-between them with my cloak hanging easily off my shoulders, leveling them with a bored-dismissive look: "Are you done? Class is about to start. Hibari, you're gonna miss the stragglers.
Mukuro, Chrome is worried about you-- also keep up the illusion until it gets repaired."

They both still stared at me.

I went out of HDWM: "Please?" Mukuro 'kufufu'-ed, giving me a smirk and went into the school, the illusion not dispersing, but he added one onto his clothes (to not worry Chrome too much I guess).

Meanwhile Hibari just went towards the front gates.
I quickly ran inside the school and towards my classroom, opening the door just as the bell rang. Letting out a sigh of relief I startled in surprise when I had my feet crossed over each other and fell. The class laughed while I walked towards my seat, trying to ignore them and stepping over Mochida's foot.

Thankfully, Yamamoto had the conscience and foresight to take my bag with him so it was already at my seat. Both he and my Storm guardian eyed me with an apologetic and concerned look like they were looking at a beaten up kitten. Mentally snorting at the image I mouthed an 'Ok' to reassure them. I then turned to look at Chrome, her eyes seemed kinda hazy... 'must be talking with Mukuro about earlier'.

Just as Nezu-sensei entered the classroom she came out of her trance, sending me a small smile. I nodded at her and turned to the front where our 'Elite' teacher stood (which my HI says is bullshit; which I and my friends already knew).

"Listen up class! Today we're having a new transfer student from England. Treat him well."

The boys and girls immediately had different questions thrown into the classroom like:

"Is he hot?!"

"Does he have a girlfriend?"

"How tall is he?"

"Does he play sports!?"

and yadda yadda.

To be perfectly honest I'm not surprised by their reactios in the least. I mean, considering the last transfer students we've had, the class' (3-A's) personal interests were very much out in the open by now. At least to me they were. They disliked me cause I'm Dame and liked my friends for popularity, charm, smarts, handsomeness or respected (feared) them.

Personally speaking, I was just glad the student wasn't from Italy. That would've been a big bold '!'-mark to me. Reborn also hadn't mentioned anything about it... or was it supposed to be a test?
I suppressed a groan at the mere thought of possibly another Gokudera.

The door slid open, interrupting my train of thought and looking at the newcomer... I'm sure my eyes are bulging out of my skull.
I could vaguely feel my friends unease and discomfort in the back of my fuzzy mind. I also heard a very quiet thump above me in the vents - guess Reborn wasn't in the know either.

Reason for our reactions?

The guy that just entered looks like Primo! Like literally. Sure, I share similarities with him as he's proven to be my direct ancestor but this guy is nearly his height and has his face. I'd think that this was him if t weren't don't the exception that his eyes were a darker shade of blue and his hair was black.

I was gaping like a fish, making my name every honor while trying to process what I'm seeing.

"Konnichiwa, my name is Adam Yagarasu. Yagarasu Adam in your country/ language. Please call me Adam-kun if you feel comfortable. Nice to meet you, I'll be in your care."

"He's hot/built!"

Both boys and girls began swarming him with questions.
For the entire lesson Nezu-sensei couldn't calm them down and just wrote it down as <introducing and bonding with new Student> in his class book besides doing attendance.

Meanwhile I got a growing headache the moment I saw and heard his name. Luckily I managed to excuse myself to go to the infirmary, giving Gokudera a 'Later'-sign and sharply nodding down while holding my head.
He nodded as he gave me a side-long glance before going up to talk to the new student, most likely trying to see if he was a shape-shifting UMA.
I could tell that the others, including Reborn, also stayed behind to investigate so I went by to the infirmary by myself, taking my schoolbag with me.

The moment I reached the infirmary I saw it was empty. 'Maybe the nurse went to grab a coffee?'

I didn't think further as my headache was painfully pounding against my skull.
I crashed on the infirmary-bed letting my conscious drift to sleep. 'I hope nothing comes out of his strange resemblance... and Hibari doesn't bite them all to death soon.'

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