In Which the Fire Dude Burns to Death

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Gaea didn't play nice. After being hit, choked, cut, bruised, and probably concussed, Leo wasn't having a nice morning. Time to get rid of this shifting pile of dirt before she tried to destroy the world again.

"FESTUS, LET'S TAKE HER FOR A RIDE!" Leo whooped while his best friend shot into the clouds. He began to steam as the damp mist met his flaming body. Piper's charmspeak had put Gaea to sleep for a moment, but Leo wasn't sure how long it would last-- he needed to gain as much altitude as possible so the blast wouldn't hurt anyone below. 

Oh, gods. Anyone below. Heat throbbed in Leo's eyes as he angrily wiped burning tears from his cheek. Piper, Jason. They had fallen, were they alive? Percy, Annabeth- they'd just made it out of Tartarus. If Leo didn't stop Gaea right now that would mean nothing. The thought of Frank's baby panda face made Leo sob, but the real hurt came from thinking about Hazel Levesque. 

That girl tore out his heart every time. Leo felt like he'd known her for longer than he'd been alive, and in a way he kind of had... Bisabuelo Sammy would be proud to know that Leo had carried on his legacy as the funny one, the court jester, the best friend, the one she left behind in the end... Leo couldn't stop thinking about her golden eyes filling with tears, her warm hand in his. Not the time, he snapped at himself. 

A sharp burst of wind gusted against him, nearly carrying him off Festus's back. Leo hunched lower against the steaming bronze, until he could feel the hum of machinery against his chest. Tears streaked freely across his face and flew behind him as the metal dragon climbed up, up, up, past the grey clouds into blue sky.

Pure blue, way up here. The only time he had seen anything like it had been at the island, her island...

Festus's joints creaked and groaned as Gaea, Queen Dirt herself, began to stir malevolently. Leo knew it was time. He looked down at the roiling sea of ashy clouds beneath him, hoping for a glimpse at his home. The only thing he did see was a giant fireball, shrieking towards him. Shrieking?

"Wha-" Leo's voice was drowned out in a blast of sound. Gaea roared to life, the squealing missile hit, Festus detonated, and the world turned to fire.

Leo died.


Hello, whoever is reading this. You probably already know, but all characters referenced above are the work of Rick Riordan, this is just my interpretation of his books. Also, the image is credited to Ingmar, it is public domain.

Thank you so much for reading! This is my first time writing anything ;)

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