Monster high x chubby human reader

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You are walking threw the catacombs under the city the reason you are down here is to see your boyfriends, many others would have thought it was weird and off meeting your boyfriend down here, but for you no. Your boyfriends were monsters and humans, and monsters didn't get along well. There were some humans and monster relationship at were friends or romantic, but they were kept on down low due to many reasons.

Y/n " okay I have to remember the steps are somewhere around here but there are some loss ones" you were going to take a step at was going to be deadly but, someone one saved you at the right time and pulled you close to them.

Claws " well well what do I have here a beautiful looking girl seeking around in the dark, you are not afraid of any monster mostly big bad wolves" you soon start laughing and tuned around to see claws standing there with a smirk on his face.

Y/n " hey there babe" you soon kissed claws on the right check and he gives you his usual smirk, and he soon kissed you on the forehead.

Claws " I came looking for you and I soon smelled your perfume and follow it here"

Y/n " well thank you for saving me from a nasty fall"

Claws " anytime my love now come on the guys are waiting for us to show up, and me being alone with you this long will get them thinking something else"

Y/n " ok" you and claws soon start waking toward a secret hangout spot at the man found many months ago and later made it into, a place where you could meet then in secret. There were many other teen couple at were using this place due to other not liking the idea of humans and monster dating.

Y/n " hey boys"

Freddy " babe you are here"

Y/n " yeah sorry I'm late my mother was leaving for business trip, and I have to finish some last minute chores she gave me"

Logan " well baby girl we are happy you are here now"

Aulcardio " when are we finally going to meet your mother sweetie"

Y/n " I don't know yet I'm trying to find out a way to tell her I'm dating someone but she always busy with work"

Tut " hey babe there is not rush in tell her about us yet we still haven't told any of our parents about you yet"

Logan " well some of our parents are starting to question our change of attitude lately"

Claws " hey my brothers are starting to keep on asking me what is happening but, I can't tell them yet"

Freddy " well come one guys let enjoy of date with y/n before we all have to be home for our curfews"

The guys " sure" you really love the guys and you wished you meet their families and they could meet yours, but you knew it will be while before at happens but you are happy with what you have now. You and the guys enjoy the movie and eat some food, but when everything was over you all cleaned up the guys walked you to your entrance of hen underground tombs.

Male monster high x reader (Completed) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum