Male laggona x cuvry vampire reader

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You can say you are or were avoiding one of you many manster friends and that will be Logan, every since a party that tut house things have been weird for you when it comes to him. You had to get the girls locker room but the frost entrance was being blocked so at, means you have to walk threw the school pool room to get the ghouls locker room.

Y/n " okay y/n you are almost there"

???? " oh hey y/n"

Y/n " oh hey Logan"

Logan " I been looking for you everywhere I want to talk about the kiss between us at tut party"

Y/n " I can't talk right now I have to get somewhere"

Logan " oh okay ... please is there something off between us I just wanted to ...."

Y/n " not mow Logan can we talk about this later"

Logan " umm sure what about lunch"

Y/n " okay"

Logan " okay see you later on at lunch"

Y/n " sure" you soon walked away from Logan you really love Logan but there were some of Logan fam girls that hated the idea of you being dating even your being friends with him. Soon lunch time had arrived meaning you will be having lunch with Logan and talking, about the kiss between you and him.

Logan " hey there you are I started to think you bail on me"

Y/n " nope I was running a bit late"

Logan " okay hey let sit at that table so we can talk"

Y/n " okay" you and Logan sat at the table together and before you could open your mouth and say something Logan had beaten to you to it.

Logan " I was hoping maybe we can go on date just me and you"

Y/n " sure"

Logan " I love you y/n and I know it might be weird for us for while, but I was hoping maybe we can give it a try"

Y/n " I will love too give it a try but there are ...."

Logan " you don't have to worry about what other monster have to say about our relationship love, because it seems like our friends agree to our relationship being romantic"

Y/n " yeah they do"

Tut " there you two are can we join you both"

Logan " sure"

Claws " so you are two a couple now or just friends"

Logan " well you boys have to just watch and see what we are in a few days" 

Freddy " it cute that you two are becoming a couple"

Y/n " yeah it is" after school had end you and Logan had officially went on your guys first date to the coffin bean, even if it wasn't a fancy date it was perfect date for you two and made you guys feel comfortable neat each other.

Male monster high x reader (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now