Petals drifting amongst the wind. Part 2

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*Daoud Khan Military Hospital, Afghanistan. February 2014*

That's all you hear waking up, you've long grown used to the noise. You open your eyes and look around the room, everytime you look around, all you can think is that it looks too bright, stark, sterile, cold. You hear the door open up and see a nurse. She looks at you and calls for a doctor. You see a man, middle-aged. "Greetings Sergeant (L/N)." He says, looking up from his chart. "I'm not a Sergeant" All you got from the Doctor was a chuckle. " Well, recently the higher-ups decided to leap you up the chain. The paperwork finalized this morning." This left you surprised, ' All I did was save my squad.' You thought, zoned out. '... argent (L/N), Sargeant (L/N)." He said, snapping his fingers In front of you. " Sorry, so doc, when do you think I'll be out of here?" You questioned, anxious about staying in bed for so long. " Well the bullet wounds have healed, so I'd say maybe a day or 2." He said looking at your medical report. He suddenly looked like he remembered something. "You got a letter today,'' he said, reaching into his coat. " here you go. Well have a good day sir, well be back later to check on you." he said closing the door behind you.

The letter is from Fall's End based on the postal address. This made you anxious, who would send you a letter. " Who would send me a letter?' You thought as you opened the letter. 'Hey (Y/N), it's Tracy. I wanted to write this letter to you, I'm adding this to Nick's and Pastor Jerome's. We wanted to all send you our best wishes, That we hope you recover fine. Sorry, this letter isn't longer, never was one for drawing out things. Tracy.' This got a smile on your face, Tracy worried. Realizing that there are still 2 more letters, you pull out the next one. 'Hey man, it's Nick. Tracy told me that you got hurt, didn't say how though, just that it landed you in the hospital. Sorry to hear that man, hope you get better. Also, you remember Kim, the girl I was Dating, well we got married. I wish you were here man. We all miss you.' This made you smile more, happy that Nick finally tied the knot. Pulling out the final one, you notice a small note attached to the bottom. ' Don't Trust Eden's Gate.' This unsettled you, as Nick is normally a laid-back guy. Looking at the final letter, you noticed that it is a decent bit longer than the rest. " Greetings my son. I wish you well. When I heard that you got injured, I prayed. I hoped and prayed that you would be ok, that the Lord would intervene and save you. When we got the news that you were ok, I never felt more relieved. I felt at that moment, the Lord spared you for a reason, that you still had a purpose. When your enlistment contract ends, come back to Fall's End. We still need good people like you. May the Lord walk with you, signed - Pastor Jerome Jeffries."

This got you thinking, what are you going to do after military life? You could go to college, but something about what Jefferies said struck a chord with you. 'Should I... no, Could I go back.' you thought, unsure of the path you want to take.

* Falls End, August 15, 2018*

Father said the sheriff's office is coming with a Federal Marshal. I don't know how he knows, but I know he has a plan. "My Brothers and Sister, the day of reckoning are close at hand.' As he said this, a helicopter landed in the Courtyard. "The government has failed you, your neighbors have betrayed you, but God still believes in you." The Father spoke, the flock hanging on his every word. "By Brothers and Sisters, I warn you to be ready for the end time, for...' He began to speak, only for the door of the church to be pushed open. 3 men and a woman walked in. The elderly man is the sheriff, The younger bald man being the marshal, The women being someone unknown, presumably being a deputy. But the last man, clad in uniform and a balaclava, something about him is familiar, his eyes hold a familiar glint that reminds her of someone long ago. "... For I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death." He finished as members of the flock stood up to block the Sinners' access to the Father. He puts a hand on two of them to have them stand down. After the marshal reads off the charges, he tells the male Deputy to put handcuffs on him. There is a moment of hesitation before he finally puts them on him. " God won't let you take me, Sheriff." The Father said as they walked him out. Father instructed us to wait in the church until he came back. Those eyes, why do they look so familiar?

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