The lowest circle is reserved for betrayers. PT1

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"Hey, kid. You're entering the Whitetail mountains." You hear on your earpiece. With the death of John and with Fall's End secured. You move into the Whitetail mountains to take out Jacob and his militia. Pulling up to the Baron Wood Mill, you get out with your 45/75. Getting onto the ridge surrounding the mill, You snipe the first Peggie of the mill. Getting up, you move and repeat. After killing 3, you hear a click from behind you. You turn and see a Peggie with a Revolver at your head. "I got you, Sinner. HEY, HE'S OVE...!" was all he got out before a deafening boom was heard and he fell over, a bullet hole through his head. You turn and see further back in the woods Grace with her rifle. You look down and see there's 2 more and 1 is a heavy. You tell grace to move to the front and you sneak into the mill. You sneak up behind the heavy and stab at his neck, it gets caught in his armor the first time, but after you pull it out and stab again, he goes down. You see the last one raises his rifle but that's as far as he gets before he too is killed.

With the outpost cleared out, you radio fall's end to send some guys to help get the mill defensible. After hearing confirmation you walk over to the cages and break the locks, opening them. "Hey, your (Y/N) right? I need your help." you hear behind you, turning you see a girl that looks vaguely familiar. She has shoulder-length brown hair with teal eyes. Her face is scared but strong, the face of a survivor. "Can I help you Miss...?" "Black, Jess Black." She said tightly." You are after the cult, cause I know where one of Jacob's boys are." She said, "All right, where are they?" You ask. She turns and gestures to you to follow her. Following her you come across a bridge over a ditch, lying in the ditch is dozens of bodies. "My God, who did this?" you say mortified by what happened. "This is the Cooks doing." She said bitterly. Horrified that one person did all this, you understand why she wants him dead. After a bit of walking, she begins to explain why she is both hunting down The Cook and why she is scared. The more she talks about Cook, the more you agree with her: Cook needs to die. After clearing areas and releasing captives, you get to Cook. You turn in disgust at him burning bodies. You see people in cages on the far side of the encampment.

"Ok Jess, I'll pick off the guard on the rampart, you kill the one on the outskirts." You whisper, getting a throwing knife ready. You slide down the face and get close to the barrier. You line up the Knife with his head and throw it, hitting him in the throat. He clutches it, buckles to his knees, and collapses over the ledge. As the perimeter guard spots you, he tries to shout out before an arrow lodged itself into his head. Giving her a thumbs up, you drag the bodies out of sight. You notch an arrow in the bow you found on the trail to Cook, you take aim and nail the cultist watching over the prisoners. With only one other and Cook left, you signal for Jess to kill the last cultist while you incapacitate Cook. As you reach him, an arrow goes through the spine of the last guard, as you put Cook into a choke. As he has the fuel tanks on his back, he can't dislodge you. After choking him out, you strip him and tie him up. You pass a knife to Jess and watch her walk into the tent containing Cook, you can't make out the words, but you do hear the screaming. Freeing the prisoners and telling them about Fall's End, you walk back to Jess as she walks out. Her face is covered in blood and is missing the knife. "I'm going to be a while, going to make this bastard even with what he did with me." She said, spitting on the ground next to her. That's when you notice she has a bloody pouch on her waist. " What's in the bag?" You ask, apprehensive. " A gift to Joseph. When we kill Jacob, he'll be added." She said ominously. You can't help but feel that Jess is walking down a road that there's no coming back from and makes a note to talk about it with her later. As you set off, you hear a voice that sounds confident, like he already won. "Well, nice job killing Cook, missed a check-in Deputy. You'll make a fine replacement." He said, you see people on bikes racing through the forest next to you. "You will be caught, my hunters will make sure of that." That was all he said before the radio went dead. As you come to a log in the road, you hear a whistle before the window next to you explodes. You see that someone shot an arrow at you covered in some green mist. Diving out, you pull out your revolver and take aim. Before you fire, you're hit in the back by an arrow. Breaking it off, you are then hit in the thigh, bringing you down. As you lay on the road, you see 2 men walk toward you. You see your revolver and crawl over to it. Grabbing it, you roll over and shoot. Vision blurry by whatever was coating the arrows, you see one drop. The other walks towards you and kicks you in the head. As darkness overtakes you, you hear a radio go off. "We caught him, sir, bringing him in." Was all you caught as unconsciousness caught up.

*Faith's compound.*

A woman is attending to her flowers, surrounded by men and women with shaved heads. She pulls weeds and trims the flowers. Ones that are big enough are taken and put into containers for processing. Work done, she walked back to her room. On the far wall is a whiteboard, covered all over with formulas and mentions of concentrations. On her desk are journals of the last few weeks and what the results of experiments are. On the wall next to her bed is a giant painting. Of Her, Jacob, John, and the Father: Joseph. And there, in the corner of her room shattered but oddly enough recently dusted, lies a picture frame. Inside is a photo of happier times, of things before the family. In her desk, long forgotten by all but a small part of herself, a journal mentioning her past and meeting a special someone. But the most surprising of all is a locket she has on her neck. One side has the family, but the other side... well it's a man by the name of (Y/N). She closes it and wonders what happened and where is the man she loved.

So yeah. Sorry for the long break, while I am still not in a good place mentally, I realized that this, the Book, is my outlet. It helps me through it. I felt like I was in a rut, till I started writing. So to stop me from becoming sappy and to be short: Thank you all for staying with me, The next chapter will be out as soon as possible(It won't be as long as it took to get this one out.), and while I'm not ok, I hope my writing makes someone as happy as I want to be. Thanks for stopping by, have a good day. Delta out.

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