Trouble in Paradise

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*Hope county, May 2011*

'Finally, graduation day.' You thought as you and Rachel started to walk to your chairs. " Hey Rach." You said turning to your lovely girlfriend. You notice she is staring pretty hard into space. "Hey Rachel." You said as you tap on her shoulder. "You Ok?" You asked as she jolted from her focus being broken. " Oh, I'm fine Y/N." She said with a smile that didn't feel genuine, but you decide to not push her on it.

"Ok, well." You said trying to find a subject. " So, are you excited to graduate." You said twiddling your thumbs. "Yep, I'm excited to finally be done with school, well for now at least." She said with excitement that your glad to see from her. "Greetings seniors, guest, and faculty for the graduation ceremony for the class of 2011." The principle started. "May I ask Rachel Jessop please come up to deliver the valedictorian speech." He said as Rachel stood up to take to the stage.

'Why didn't she tell me?" You thought as you watched her walk up to the podium. Your happy for her, she worked her ass off the do well in her classes. ' I shouldn't be surprised, but why?" She's been like this alot recently. She's been distant, canceling most plans with you, and has been closed off to Tracy for some time. 'It's nothing, she's just been stressed and busy with personal issues.' You thought, trying to rationalize things. As the speech went on you notice not once has she glanced at you. While hurt, you don't make a scene. Finally finishing, she sits back down beside you. " Nice speech hon." You said, reaching for her hand. She notices and moves it to her lap. "Thank you Y/N." She said, not even turning to you.


Finally done with graduation and at home, you get changed to your regular clothes. Getting out of the bedroom,  you see Rachel putting on her heels."Hey Rach, what are you getting dressed up for?" You questioned, leaning on the door frame. "Oh, I've been meaning to tell you something." She said standing up. "And that is?" You questioned rolling your hand, telling her to hurry up. 

"Well, there's a new church that opened up just outside Silver lake." She said messing with her hair. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to attend it with me. I could introduce you to everyone." She said, almost rambling. You think about it before you see the hopefulness on her face. "Sigh, Ok. I'll go. Give me a minute to get dressed." You said before turning, only to feel Rachel grab your hand.

"Wait, your fine as you are." She said. "Ah, ok. Well, let's go then." You replied, grabbing your keys as you and her leave.  "Rachel, I'll need you to give me directions." You said putting on your seat belt. "Ok. Let's go." She said getting her's on.


Finally pulling up to the church, you see it looks like it was only recently reopened. Past that, it looks decrepit and run down. Getting out, you and Rachel go to the Door only to be stopped at the threshold. 

As you head inside and sit down at a pew, you can't help but feel a chill run up your spine. The feeling intensified when you saw the pastor, or rather the man you assumed to be the pastor.

He seemed to scan the congregation looking for something before his eyes settled on you. Without saying a word, he smiles. It was the smile of a psychopath finding a new toy.

"My children, it seems we have a new sheep to the flock." He said gesturing to you. You feel the eyes of every man and woman turn to you. All you do is narrow your eyes, trying to figure out how Rachel got mixed up with these people.

"Now with that out of the way, let us begin." He pulls out what looks to be a Bible. Noticing the one in front of you. You grab it and open it up to see the name: 'The Book of Joseph Seed? What a fucking narcissist.' You thought as he began.

*Timeskip once more*

As soon as the procession ended, you get the fuck out there. As you and her get home, she stops you. "So what do you think?" She said, looking at you . "That man, Joseph Seed. He's a psycho." You said, steadying your hand, trying to get it to stop shaking. "What do you mean, he's a Saint." She said looking offended by what you said. "Saint, no man is a God damn mad man. He's just biding his time." You said finally calming down. 

" I can't believe this. How dare you be that disrespectful." She said getting worked up. " I'm not, I'm stating a fact!" You said losing your temper. "What do you mean a fact, he saved my life!" She said matching your tone. "Saved it, He didn't save shit. It was me and Tracy who saved it." You said trying to calm down. 
"Yes he did." She said, her temper still flaring. It all clicks into place, the man you passed on the way to Rachel. It was the same feeling."That son if a bit..." was all you got out. 

*Crack* Your face burns as Rachel puts down her hand. "I'm done Y/N. If you can't respect the father. I don't want you in my life!" She yelled as she left. You stand there, dumbfounded. Confusion, turned to anger. An anger for Joseph Seed. That anger turned to sadness. A sadness that the one good thing in your life was gone.

You decide that with her gone, you have nothing keeping you in town. You call Tracy and decide to let her know what your next plan is."Hey Tracy." You said trying to steady your voice. " Y/N, What's wrong." She said with concern in her voice. 'Hehe, good old Tracy. Hardest person I know, still cares for her friends.' You thought before you continue. "Me and Rachel are done. She broke up with me over the church." You said getting settled in a chair.

"God dammit! I'm sorry to hear that. What are you going to do?" She asked calming herself down. "Going to join the military." You said with a defensive tone. "Are you sure? That's a pretty big commitment." She said, debating to go over and smack some sense into you. "Tracy. I'm no longer attached to anyone besides you, Nick, and Pastor Jerome. Besides them and you, I have nothing keeping me here. I want to. No, I need to expand my horizons." You said reaffirming your beliefs.

*Sigh* "I can't talk you out of this, you're too stubborn. Might as well support you." She said making peace with your decision. "That's all I ask, do you mind telling the Pastor and Nick?" You asked. "Sure, sure. Go get signed up." She said before she hung up.

That brought a smile to your face, you have at least someone watching out for you. You pick up your keys and head out, ready to leave this small town.

Hey, so it's been awhile. Sorry about that. I had writer's block and felt uninspired. But I'm back, I'm slightly better at writing, and ready to get this done. Thanks to everyone who's been with me this long. Also, if you aren't happy with this story or rather how it is going. I'm sorry to hear that and understand if you want to stop. I hope y'all the best and till next time. Delta out.

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