A Revolution

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* Falls End, August 16, 2018*

Waking up tied to a bed is one of, if not, the weirdest ways you've woken up. Even weirder, you only vaguely remember how you got here. You remember arresting that son of a bitch Joseph Seed, the cult getting violent, and the crash. 'That fucking bitch, she told them we were coming.' You thought, before continuing to remember. You remember meeting The Marshall, the escape, and the crash. You also remember the man who dragged you away from the Cult. Which leads you here, tied to this damn bed. Pulling at it, you miss the man in the room. "We'll find that wayward sinner. He will be brought to justice." That's all you hear before the radio is turned off. You can't see the man in the room clearly due to the light on the desk blinding you. "You hear that Kid, that means the roads are closed, the phone lines are cut, and no signal is getting in or out of this valley." The man said, before turning off the light. Now that you can look without being blinded, you see it's an elderly man. He's wearing an old army fatigue jacket. You see he has tired eyes, but there's a fire behind that. " you know, it would be the smartest thing for me to do is to turn you in. He said looking down, seemingly contemplating. "Fuck." That's all he said standing up. As he's walking toward you, he pulls out something that is hard to see till he gets next to you. It's a pocket knife. 'Fuck, I'm really going to die like this.' was the only thing you could think before you felt the restraints slacken. " It may be the smartest choice, but fuck those peggies." He said standing up straight. " We need to get rid of that uniform. And I hope you're ready to start a rebellion" He said walking out of the room.

Walking out of the room, you go to the only other lit room. You see the man standing at a desk, looking at something. "I thought I said to get rid of that uniform." he said, glancing at you. "You did, but the people of Hope county need to know that the law is still there for them. And besides, is the Uniform really going to make the target any bigger on my back?" You said joking. "Fair enough. Well, I'll fill you in on the "Heralds" as the peggies call them. They are Joseph's Siblings. You need to take them out to get to Him. I'll update you as you go. There's a gun in the safe over there." He said, pointing to the safe next to you. Getting the gun, you decided to broach the topic."Hey, what's your name? You never told me." "My name is Richard Roosevelt, but you can call me Dutch." He said looking at you. " What about you Kid, besides being a deputy, don't know much about you?" He asked. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm from just outside Fall's End." You answered honestly. "Well, we'll be working together from now on." He said reaching his hand out. " Yeah, we are." You said grabbing it. "So there are 3 Heralds. There's John, Jacob, and Faith Seed. They are each in charge of different regions." He said pointing at a map on the wall. " I recommend liberating Fall's ends. John is pulling them out of their homes." He said. "Alright Dutch. I'll head out then."

Pulling up to the water tower, you pull out a sniper rifle you "borrowed" from a cult member. "Ok boomer. I want you to be a good boy and watch the bottom of the tower." You said, turning to your furry companion. He gives your leg a lick and lays down in a bush near the base. You smile and start climbing. Getting to the top, you take out your Binoculars. You see what you expected, what you didn't expect was them forcing Mary Fairgrave and Pastor Jerome. "Oh hell no." You said adjusting your scope on your rifle. Aiming, you see Mary looking at you. Taking a deep breath in, you fire as you release. It takes out a cultist that's holding Mary down. Seeing an opportunity, she grabs the cultist's gin and proceeds on down to the cultist down the street. The rest of the cultists start to dive into cover, but between you and Mary, the cultist finds it hard to pick a target. You see one grab Jerome and try to use him as a shield. He holds his pistol to his head, looking toward Mary, saying something. 'Wrong person prick.' You said before you fire. The bullet hits the cultist. Father Jerome grabs the gun and joins Mary in fighting the cult. As you fire, you hear Boomer barking. You drop your rifle and unholster your pistol. You over the edge and see a cult member climb up the ladder. You fire and hit the cultist member in the arm. It causes the Cultist to lose his grip and fall. When he lands, a pool of blood begins to form. Reholstering, you climb down and pull your AR-C out of the back of your car. You go back to the cultist and fire a round into him, to make sure "Come on boy, let's help clean up." You said, running into town with Boomer fresh on your heels.

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