Petals drifting amongst the wind. Part 1

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*Fort Benning, Georgia.

August 2011.*

Feeling the kick of a M4 into your shoulder, the autumn breeze on your face, and the satisfying smell of sweat and gunpowder.

As the day wraps up, you get ready to go to sleep. "Hey man, have a girl waiting for ya?" One of you squad mates asked. You answer. " ye..." you begun before you cut yourself off. 'Move on Y/N, let go.' You thought before solidifying your answer. "Yes, I did at one point." You said evenly, feeling yourself sink just a bit. "Well, I wish you luck man." He said. Whether he said this to be kind or what, you don't know. "Thanks, well night man." You replied, laying down.

As you do, you reach under your pillow and look at the last thing you have of Rachel. A single picture of you and her, the day you two became a couple. 'Good Times.' You thought as you put it back under. With that you fell asleep.

*Hope county, Montana. August 2011*

"Help me faith. Help me faith." She softly hummed. She was wearing a nice white dress. Helping Jose... I mean Father meets a new group of believers. Everytime a group comes in, she silently scans the room, not for threats like her brothers, but for a special someone. Failing to see him saddens her. This time however... was no different. Feeling sadness, she silently backed up a bit.

After the Father finished his sermon, he beacons her over. "My daughter, what troubles you." He said in a tone that she could only describe as warm. "Nothing Father." She replied curtly. He seems to think of something before he replies. "Come, I have something to show you." He said pulling her into a room with stairs leading down.

"Father, what do you need?" She asked, unsure why he asked. "I have a gift and an offer." He said, placing a hand on her cheek. "I ask, do you wish to become a sister?" "Yes, I would like that." She said, not sure how to respond. "And the gift" he said pulling out a syringe with an orangish yellow color liquid.

This made her arm ache. "I...I can't." She stuttered. "I won't force you child, it's a gift. Do what you want with it." He said walking up the stairs. As he closed the stairs. Rachel just stares at the syringe before she grabs it.

*Camp leatherneck. Afghanistan. August, 2013*

Though he was nervous about patrol the first time around, the more he went on them, the less he feared them. That however was a mistake. "A standard patrol," they said, "monitor the area, look for signs," they said .

Well they did, they found a pretty big fucking sign and that sign was a IED. "Ramirez, Smith, Louis." You called put, trying to orientate yourself. You felt your ears ringing, you felt like your world was spinning , but the weirdest part is you felt nothing. No pain, no injuries, just dizzy. You push out the door or rather what is left of it. You unbuckle yourself and then pull yourself out, thanking God it just caused your truck to flip. After a second, you remember your squad. As you turn you notice that they are all buckled in. While unconscious, they're luckily breathing and not bleeding heavily.

One by one, you remove and lay them down. Reaching into your pack, you radio the base of your location and that your team was struck by an IED. As you finish, a shot whistles over your head. Returning fire, you peak over and see 5, maybe 6 people. Popping off 3 more shots, you peek and see 2 are down.

Feeling like something punching you side, you put your hand to there and you feel something wet. Resigns yourself to dying, you continue shooting, hoping the helicopter gets here soon. As you feel it get harder to move you, you hear the thrumming of a helicopter. Feeling relieved, you lean back, feeling peace. Feeling 2 people grab you and lay you down on a stretcher. Feeling your eyes close, unconsciousness caught up with you.

*Hope county, Montana.
August 2013*

"Shield me from sorrow, the fear of tomorrow..." Rach... Faith sang, walking down the aisle. The Father has asked her to help him with the congregation, along with their brothers. He has had more and more people join the family.

Tonight, he said, it was special, that we'll have a new way of getting people to join us. Getting to the podium in the front, she walks to the corner, almost behind John and Jacob.

"My children. Today, our sister, Faith, has given us a gift. A way for non believers to see the truth. We have one in our midst." He said, gesturing to a man in the front. He was grabbed and brought in front of Father. "John, Jacob. Grab the bliss." He commanded.

They did as asked and drug a barrel that was leaking a green mist. "Brothers, fetch the non believer." He commanded, they once again did as asked and dragged a man. He was begging to be let go, but John and Jacob just drug him in front of Father.

"My son, this will be your baptism." He said, pulling the top off the barrel. John and Jacob held the man's head in the barrel as the father recited from his book. Finally the man stopped squirming. The 2 Brothers pulled him out of the barrel. His eyes were glossy and he was non responsive. "Sister, if you would." Joseph said side stepping. 'This is wrong, I didn't make bliss for this.' She thought as she walked up to the man. Rachel got on her knees and whispered in his ear. Soon the brothers let him go, he simply stood up and sat in the front row.

"My sons and daughters, this is a sign that we are on the chosen path." Joseph said, addressing his flock. Rachel couldn't help but feel she unleashed a evil on this world

Ok, that's part 1 done, yes 1. This will be a 2 parter, this was new and will probably be only done again in the next chapter. But this was more or less a test. The book of one-shots and scenarios is up, I'll have new chapter on there as soon as I can. Bookmark, put it in your library, or whatever if you're interested. With that done, have a good day. Delta out.

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