Chapter 26

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Keefe's POV

I can't believe I'm Calla's uncle and not her dad (then where did she get her prankster genes from?). I'm sure Calla would agree with me, Fitz is soooooo boring. But I don't want to trade with Fitz for Calla. I want to switch with Fitz for Sophie. But I know it's impossible. Every time I have to be around a mushy Fitz and Sophie, I have to stop myself from yelling, WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM! PICK ME! And there is only one way to do that.

I remember the look on Sophie's face when I left for the Neverseen. She looked as if all hope of there being good in life was gone. And sure, Fitz has been a pretty bad jerk to her. But I'm the only person who has made her look and feel like that. There was no way to undo that, unless...

You know what? I think it's a bit too late for this (like always). Sure, Fitz doesn't deserve her, but to be honest, neither do I. And at least Fitzy has a special important last name. And tons of money to make her happy. And really, really good looks (except the hair, I got the hair). All I have are daddy issues and a sense of humor. Now that I think about it, I really don't stand a chance.

A/N I know this chappie was short, the next chapter will be the last one, sorry. We WILL make a sequel, I'll tell you the name of it in the next chapter, okay? Love ya!

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