Chapter 2

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Sophie's POV

"Okay, so I'm thinking a glittery pink, kind of like my lip gloss," I heard Biana say as I walked into my room.

"Got it!" Dex snatched the gloss out of her hands and shoved it into his pocket.

"Hey! That's the only one I have!"

"I need it to make the elixir!"


"Fitz, what do you think? Mohawk? Curls?"

"Whatever Sophie wants is fine."

"How come?" I asked.

"Uhhh... because it's your imp," he said too quickly.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight," Keefe said. "Fitz has a girlfriend! Fitz has a girlfriend!"

Both mine and Fitz's faces flushed.

"Spikes will be fine," I said, trying to ignore Keefe's chants.

"The Iggy makeover meeting is officially over!" Dex said.

A/N Does that sound like Dex?

Everybody left, leaving me and Fitz on my bed.

I tried to look anywhere but at him, and noticed that he was doing the same.

Eventually, our eyes met. That's when I saw it. His gleaming blue eyes stared into mine.

I can't say it out loud. And I know I won't have the gut to transmit it. Just read my mind.

Are you sure?

Do it.

I opened up my mind to his. As soon as I entered I heard one sentence that made me unsure of how to feel.

A/N Sorry about the cliffhanger! Just go to the next chapter :)

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