She obviously brought her motorcycle. How could I forget?

I smiled thought, as I saw her taking off her helmet, still sitting on the bike. She looked me up and down and smiled too.

I slowly walked to her.

"Hey," I nodded, looking at the bike.

"This jacket looks good on you," she smirked playfully, pointing at her jacket I still had.

I realized it in the evening. I decided to give her it in the school the next day, but as she proposed the ride I simply put it on.

"You think?" I took the helmet, still smiling.

"Yeah," she moved so that I could sit behind her.

Before she put her helmet on she turned to me, looking into my eyes uncertainly.

"Are you sure of it, Klork?" The butterflies in my stomach started flying all over again as the K popped in my name. I frowned, though, not exactly understanding her point. "If you're gonna ride with me to school, there's no coming back from it."

"Will it mean that I'm dating you?"

She opened her mouth in a nice surprise. "Are you dating me?"

I chuckled. "Well duh." Lexa chuckled, too. "I mean we were on two dates yesterday, we're definitely going on another one, so yeah."

She smiled. "Yes, Klork. It will mean that you're dating me."

My cheeks got red, the cheeky grin rose on my face.

"Then I'm sure."

She was satisfied with this answer but got serious for one more moment.

"People will talk."

I nodded, looked to the side, thinking about it.

"I don't care," I shook my head for no. "I'm dating such an amazing girl like you. Of course, they will talk. I'd talk either. It's nothing special. Don't flatter yours..."

I was cut with her lips landing on mine. The taste of her cherry chapstick, the scent of the fresh forest, Lexa's scent. I was taken away for a moment, I did not see that coming. Though, I found myself putting my hands on her stomach and back as the position wasn't the easiest one. She cupped my face in her hands, only deepening the kiss. Her soft, plump lips perfectly worked with mine thin, light ones. Eventually, Lexa pulled away as she was out of breath.

I opened my eyes and saw her hypnotized eyes totally focused on my lips. She seemed to realize it and just looked up. The most beautiful smile showed up on her face. Her hands slipped off of my face and I realized I still had my hands on her toned stomach. I took them back immediately.

I bit my lip and smirked slightly.

"Well, maybe you can flatter yourself... just a bit."

She turned around with a huge, happy smile and we put our helmets on. Slowly, Lexa pulled away from my house and we started riding to school. My hands immediately landed on her shirt, my eyes shut close. Again, I heard her chuckle. I would nudge her, but I was too afraid that I would fall away.

We got there even faster than I'd on my own. But I was pretty sure that she was driving much slower and safer with me than she was driving alone.

Under the school, like always, it took me a few moments to realize we weren't driving anymore. I took out my helmet and saw Lexa staring at me. She laughed, probably because of my face.

"I think I'll never get used to it," I whispered. I knew many people were around us. I didn't need them minding our business.

Lexa laughed, cutely.

"I think... I'm getting bigger problems with breathing every second more."

I blushed and took my hands.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Just joking." She nodded. "C'mon. We should go inside."

With her hand helping me I stood up from the bike. Very easily Lexa stood up, too.

"What do you have now?" she asked as she got the backpack and we headed to the front doors.

"Biology, I think. You?"


"Then we're going there."

I felt many eyes on us as we slowly walked there, just talking to each other. Every person we passed would turn around from us and whisper something in the friend's ear. It was quite annoying, but I decided to just ignore it. It's not that I was able to do something with it. We're what we are, right? A few months ago I was the one whispering.

In the gym, I saw Octavia already stretching out. Lexa walked into the changing room. I stared behind her as she disappeared inside it. Octavia appeared in front of me, with her brows narrowed and not so happy face.

"Seriously?" Her right brow went higher than the left one. I sighed.

Why can't I forget you? || Clexa AUWhere stories live. Discover now