~ Chapter 14 ~

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Lexa's POV

I started dribbling the ball. I played with it - between my legs, under one, then another and with a turn. I made a shot. I scored. I were so focused on this, that I didn't see the ball going my way, until it hit my head. I almost fell. I looked in the way it came and saw Echo.

"What the hell?" I massaged my head. "The hell you're doing here?"

She had her arms crossed and concerned face. "Your mom let us in."

"Us?" I questioned, as I only saw her.

But then from behind her stepped also Murphy, Gustus, and Ontari. They all were at some point angry. I sighed and just came back to the basketball.

"Lexa!" Murphy walked to me. "We are concerned about you. We haven't seen you in so long!"

"Yeah," Gustus stepped to me too. "You got a girlfriend."

"And a new group of friends," Ontari added.

"Oh, please. I'm not the only one playing both fronts." I spat out and looked at Murphy.

The rest looked at him shocked. I successfully just got their attention off me.

"You Echo should be training right now, too, what are you doing here anyway?" I looked at her for a slight second. Enough to notice that she was wearing some sports clothes on. She was a bit sweaty so it means she was training and they just ripped her off of it, same as they did rip off me.

"I was." She scowled at Gustus. He was the one who created it all. "But friends are more important to me."

I smirked only.

Murphy sighed, and after I threw the ball to the basket he caught it.

"God! Can't you just let me play?!" I shouted. I was so done. I had an important match in two hours. I decided to not spend time with Clarke to train for it, and now they're just casually interrupting me?

"No, Lexa! We can't!" Murphy answered, his tone was a bit higher now. He was so close from shouting at me. "When was the last time you smoked with us, huh?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "And, you know what? That's actually a good thing." I ripped off the ball from him. "Why do you even care?" I asked and stared at them for a while questioningly, before continuing. "I mean, I understand you," I pointed at Gustus. "You've been crushing on me since Freshman. That's so obvious you planned this whole absurd. But the rest of you? You hardly know me. And you were only dragging me to the bad side. I don't need that anymore."

"Lexa, don't you dare!" Echo pointed at me. "How long do you even know them? Octavia, yes, but Clarke? It's like, so fresh, you'll probably get over her faster than you think. Or she's probably just another one-night stand..." She covered her mouth after those words. Everyone widened eyes. "Lexa, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, it's just not the first time and..." She became so small, as I slowly walked to her, clear anger, nothing else.

"Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Home." She froze for a moment. "Now! All of you."

They didn't need anything more. All of them slowly walked away. The anger went running through my veins and I threw the ball onto the wall to release it.

"Fu-!" I screamed, but I saw Aden and stopped in the half. "Fu—funny story, you know?" I smirked a bit nervous. Mum didn't like when I was swearing around him.

"I know what you wanted to say," he smiled, slightly, and nodded, then walked to me. I stared at him as he without any word just tangled his arms around me. "It's alright," he said, as I took a deep breath, because I felt like I was about to burst out crying in any second. I was the older sister, I couldn't let the weight from my shoulders crush him. Literally. It was way too much for him. I bent down as he pulled away after a few seconds. "Don't listen to her. You know the best what Clarke is for you. Deep in your heart." I petted his head. When he got so smart and all. "Besides, me and mum can see it, too. That's what matter."

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