~ Chapter 6 ~

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Clarke's POV

"Girls, come on! I really need to eat something!" I told them.

It was the tenth shop.

I didn't buy anything. ANYTHING! And they bought so many things, that I had to help them carry their bags. It was more than exhausting. Why have I said yes to them?

"Clarkie! Your metabolism is too fast!" Octavia answered, putting an arm around me, of course as much as bags let her.

"You know, I can't help it!" My metabolism was really fast and even though I ate pizza with Madi before I got here, right now I was starving. Everybody laughed at that. "I want some good burger!"

"Alright," finally Luna couldn't stand it anymore. "Let's go to McDonald's. Okay?"

I nodded, smiling victoriously. And all five of us headed for some food.

After I bought myself a burger, we sat at some table.

"So, Luna, you and Raven have a date tomorrow," Mya smirked at Luna, and she just nodded. "Where are you taking her?"

"I can't tell you. It has to be surprise!" She took a sip of her strawberry milkshake. Gross. I had my own usual vanilla milkshake. I also took a sip of mine. Delicious.

The girls started fighting over that they won't tell and she can't risk, but I didn't need to fight Luna about this one.

From what I was seeing, she cared for Raven. Knowing Luna for almost five years taught at least one thing. If she cares about something or someone, she won't go in the easier way with that.

She wanted it to be surprise for Raven, so it will be, and the girls won't change her mind.

I took out my phone after it buzzed.

It was a message from Lexa.

Lexa : Hey :)

Lexa : What are you doin'?

I smiled. She sent me a smile in the text once again. It was really cute.

Clarke : Shopping with my friends.

The response came quickly.

Lexa : So, you are the shopping type. Noted.

Clarke : Not exactly. It's actually exhausting.

Lexa : So, why are you there?

Clarke : I wanted a burger and milkshake.

Clarke : That's the only good thing that came from it.

Lexa : Yeh. Shopping really can be exhausting.

"Clarke!" I looked up from my phone to see all of them looking at me curiously. "Who are you texting with?" Octavia asked and frowned.

"No one," I put down my phone and simply shrugged, hoping that they won't ask me more questions.

Wishful thinking.

"No one, that made you smile and blush," Luna narrowed her eyebrows.

Was I blushing?

"Girls, it really is nothing."

Mya and Harper already gave up, but Luna and especially Octavia weren't so easy to fight. They just sat straight in chairs, with their most stoic face and arms crossed. Octavia had even these scary impressions, with one of her eyebrows higher than another one.

"Alright. I've got a date."

All four of them looked at me surprised. I haven't gone on a date since... Finn.

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