~ Chapter 22 ~

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Lexa's POV

"Murphy is here," I said, looking up from my phone. "You ready?"

Clarke moved down from my bed and pulled her dress a bit lower. "Yep," she nodded and smiled. Red lipstick emphasized her beautiful smile that I loved so much.

As I was already dressed - with a little advise of Clarke I decided on loose black cargo joggers and a simple black top from Trasher, I added, as always, my leather jacket that suited this look perfectly and I was ready - I just stood up and jokingly proposed my arm to Clarke, like knights do for their princesses in Disney movies. She chuckled but took it and like that we walked downstairs.

Mum and Aden were cooking something in the kitchen. We stumbled together into the kitchen. They both turned to us and both had exactly the same expression on their faces. Eyebrows raised, eyes gazing all around, slight smile with just a little bit of teeth. Aden was so much like mum.

"You guys look so good together," Mum said, crossing her hands together.

"You look so cool, Lex, and Clarke, you really are beautiful," Aden added after mum.

"Thank you," Clarke said, letting go of my hand and lowering to the level of Aden. "We should go somewhere together some time, you know? You, Lexa and I."

Aden's eyes immediately widened. "Oh my god, it'd be so much fun," he screeched out. He wanted to say something more but we all heard a car horn.

"We gotta go," I said, patting his head and once again I took Clarke under arm.

We walked out just after mum shouted, "have fun!".

Murphy's big jeep was waiting on my driveway. As he noticed we got out, he smiled widely. I haven't seen this specific smile in so long, I realized I actually missed it.

I opened front door for Clarke and she pecked my lips before going in. I smiled and closed the door then sat at the back.

"I gotta admit, you both look really damn good," Murphy said, looking at both of us. Then he only glanced at Clarke. "I'm Murphy. John Murphy." He exchanged his hand to Clarke and she shook it.

"Clarke. But you know that already, don't ya?"

"I know you since Lexa," there they both looked at me, "started looking at you at school in some kind of different way."

I felt a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Shut up and drive," I told him and he laughed. But he did what I said. "Where are we goin?"

"Eh, nothing special."

He started driving away, but Clarke was still looking at me.

"What?" I mouthed.

She shook her head. "Nothing," she answered, still smiling mysteriously.


"You gotta be kidding me!"

Murphy started laughing as he pulled up on the Floukru amusement park.

"Murphy, I swear to god--"

"Be quiet and get out. It'll be fun," he said, stopping the engine and going out of his car.

With a frown I got out and opened Clarke's door. She stood up to me. Murphy locked his car.

"Babe..." Clarke whispered as her hands started slipping across my stomach. I couldn't keep my look away from her.

I sarted staring intensively into her eyes. "You know we can always dump him and go back to mine. Aden and mum won't be there, they went to my aunt for something..." I linked our hands  together. "It'd be just you and me." I looked at her lips, slightly biting my own bottom lip.

She noticed my stare and leaned in closer, but not going for my mouth, but to my ear. "As much as amazing this sounds," I couldn't help but smile wholy, "I think we should stay. It would be so not nice to leave him here. But..." I felt her hands going from my stomach to back and then slowly lowering. "We can always get back to yours later. I have  time till 10 pm, and it's only 5. I say we stay for two hours and then get back, what do you think, huh?" I felt her grasp and I just nodded. "Great," she moved away from me, giving my butt a little slap. She walked to Murphy with a very satisfied smile, and I was sure as hell she was swaying her hips in those jeans on purpose.

"You coming, Lex?" Murphy shouted to me as he noticed that I didn't move.

Clarke turned around. "Yeah, you coming, Lex?" She smirked michievously and winked.

I swear to god, this girl...

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