Chapter Twenty One

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Christian Alexander's P.O.V.

Before he can even grab the door knob i follow him and grab his arm turning him around pinning him on the door.

He gasp looking at me wide eyes and my heart drop at the sight of his teary eyes pero mas pinangunahan ako ng inis.

"You will not leave this room until you fucking listen to me" i groan out looking straight in his eyes.

I have no idea what my mom said but its so unlike of jullian to believe her without asking me.

This past few days he changed. Not that big of changes pero napansin ko agad yon when he space out a lot or when he gets too honest with me like earlier. He said he'll miss me without reason why.

He also starts refusing to eat sometimes saying he have no appetite but after a few hours he'll cook a lot of foods and eat most of it in one sitting. Not that i mind but its weird.

"I did meet alyssa today..." tears started falling again so i continue "...but i did not know that i was meeting her at all babe my phone died too and i can't contact you but we only talk about her going back to the u.s. and she apologize to us. fuck! I didn't know that they planned this" i pull him in a hug as his cries get louder and harder.

"I swear to god jullian i would never ever look at her ..or at anyone cause you have my heart babe. So stop crying and thinking that i'll leave you cause i'd die first if i do" i softly mumble against his hair as i pressed soft kisses on it trying to calm him down.

I let him cry to his hearts content until he stops on his own "come on lets get you to bed" i stated as i lift him up in my arms carrying him to our bed.

He looks at me the whole time "d-did you eat dinner?" He ask between his sniffles like its the most normal thing to ask after crying that much.

I look at him confuse but nodded nonetheless.

"Im hungry" he mumble blushing as he look away from me.

"Do you want to order something?" I ask instead as he sit up from were i lay him down.

He looks at me deep in thoughts before he frown. Okay something is really wrong with him. "I wanna sleep" he said eyebrow drawn close to each other.

My eyebrow furrowed too as i watch him lay on the bed again pulling the comforters up to his chest.

"But you just said--"

He glare at me. Him? My kitten just fucking glare at me? What is happening with him? "I change my mind i wanna sleep now" he grumble looking at me with annoyance.

Should i be fucking scared or pissed off with his attitude?

I purse my lips narrowing my eyes on him. He's attitude seems off and irritating "you need to eat first if your hungry" i stated.

He just turn his back on me and that fucking pissed me off. He's being rude. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself.

I stare at his figure contemplenting what to do next.

I sigh. I'll let this go for now just because he cried too much and he must be tired from it "i'll be in the study doing some paper works" i said before leaning down to kiss his head.

Christian Alexander : The Possesive CEO (Possesive Series : Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now