Chapter Thirteen

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『••✎••』Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Christian Alexander's P.O.V.

"Just give him time toper" time? What for? He obviously likes he loves me back but here i am at nico's house ranting about jullian who ask for time to think about ...about what? Abouts us?

He didn't reject me. I wouldn't let him even if he wants to but to hell with leaving my house?! Fuck!

I left the house without another word not letting him finish his explanation cause my ear can only hear him say that he needs time. Away from me. Which also means he wants to leave my our house just to think!

"Time? Time for what cole? he can just say yes cause its pretty obvious he loves me back" i spat out angrily glaring at him while gripping at the beer on my hand.

He sigh "he must have his reasons you self centered prick. think about his situation too and here we thought your suppose to be the smartest" he stated without any qualms behind it making me groan in annoyance cause he fucking makes sense.

"Look just give him a little time toper or...." he grin at me teasingly "you can lose him forever because of your impatient ass" he said chuckling making me look at him darkly. Im not losing jullian. If i have to tie him up on me i will but no one can take him away from me not even himself.

I purse my lips thinking of ways to get him to stay in our house "nicolas! Im heading out and don't argue i'll be just fine!" That's storm walking to the front door while glaring at my brother who frown and immediately follow his fiancé out if the door.

chuckling under lowly as i hear their muffle arguments behind the close door.

But i can't help but to wonder. Will me and jullian be like that too? I snort at my own thoughts. No ofcourse not jullian is too kind to disobey me and he's my shy kitten he won't do things that will annoy me too much.

He likes staying at home too more than going out so i think i won't be facing what my brother is facing right now.

The door opened and here comes my frowning brother making me smirk despite my own dilemma that im facing.

"He doesn't want me to accompany him this is your fault!" He grumble as he took a sit again. What happened to my dignified doctor of a brother? I look at him in disbelief as he sulk while glaring at me like a kid.

He never done this ...well he does when he was like ten years old but this is a grown up man pouting because his fiancé left him?!

"Your unbelievable" i blurted out shaking my head as he keep looking at me with a glare.

It took him half an hour to compose himself again to my amusement "so whats your plan?" He asked after getting another couple can of beers and giving me one.

Plan? I don't have one aside from tying him up either on my bed or attach to me "don't do anything rash" he added knowing already whats on my mind. We are brothers after all. He knows me too well.

I shrug not answering. I might just do just that if my kitten will be his stubborn self.

"I swear to god toper you'll scare him off" he said exhasperately making me narrow my eyes on him..

"He loves me and he's not scared of me" i say confidently cause i know im right. He might be a bit shy and uncomfortable with me sometimes but will change soon too.

Christian Alexander : The Possesive CEO (Possesive Series : Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora