Chapter 20 - Le Bain Part 2

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We're four drinks deep already but Olivia's date still hasn't arrived yet.

"Has she texted you when she's getting here?"

"Yeah," Olivia replies. "She says she just got here." She cranes her neck to peer over the crowd, standing on her tippy toes as she swivels her head left and right.

The bar is getting busier by the minute, so it's growing increasingly difficult to spot anyone, let alone someone that we had never met before. All I see are bodies shifting back and forth, bumping to the notes of tropical house in the background. At this hour, it's virtually impossible to get in unless you know someone.

Olivia was planning on meeting Emily tonight, the girl that she had been texting from Hinge. Olivia had invited Emily to meet her here, but she was almost an hour late.

"Do you see her?"

"Nope, still nothing. Oh wait, I think I see her. I think that's her."

We watch as a short Asian girl appears at the entrance of the bar. She's wearing a dark flowy maxi dress that goes until her ankles, secured with a tan belt at her waist. Her straight raven hair is tied back. She looks like a lost puppy, glancing up and down repeatedly at her phone.

"Oh she's really pretty."

"Yeah, she looks way better than she does in photos," Olivia says. "Way better than a cheap hookup."

"Just be chill." I chuckle.

"I'm always chill."

"Okay." I roll my eyes. "Anyway, I think this is my cue to leave, I'll leave you guys to it."

Olivia winks at me. "Have fun! We can catch up tomorrow."

She prances off, putting down her drink and checking her reflection in her phone before stalking in the girl's direction. I watch as they hug and introduce themselves, smiling at each other. I lose them in the crowd seconds later.

I sigh, turning back to my drink. Great, now I'm alone. I polish off the rest of my cranberry vodka and look around nonchalantly, trying to figure out my next move. Everyone's standing around in their little circles. Our group has fizzled out slightly, it looks like a few of them left already. There's a small throng of interns hovering around and sitting lounge chairs. I see another group by the glass windows, laughing at something someone said. Bingo.

I take a few steps, but before I get anywhere I see Oskar walking towards me. Oh god. My heart almost skips a beat under his gaze. His hair is dishevelled, his coif coming apart at the sides. His green eyes are bright, shining like crescent moons in the shaded lighting. I tuck my hair behind my ear as he arrives, trying to flatten the frizz in my curls.

"Hey," he says, putting down his glass. "Having a good time?"

I smile. "Yeah, how about you?"

"Yeah. The view is incredible here."

"Right?" I gush. "I couldn't stop taking pictures."

Right before this, Olivia and I and a few of the other interns had a full on photoshoot, posing with our drinks in front of the gorgeous Manhattan backdrop. We couldn't let a photo-op like this go to waste. Funnily enough, everyone got really into it. We took photos with the entire intern class, taking turns like it was school picture day. I make a mental note to myself to check if there are any of Oskar and I later.

"Do you have a favourite rooftop in New York?" he asks. He looks at me like he's genuinely curious.

I have to pause to think about that one. There are so many rooftop bars that I love, but also so many that are still on my bucket list. 230 Fifth. PHD. The Crown. Mr Purple. The list goes on and on.

"I dunno, probably this one? But everyone also raves about Mr Purple. Maybe we should go there next week for our final weekend in the city."

I think back to when I first stepped out into the JFK airport, my eyes wide in wonder at the prospect of spending the summer in New York. I can't believe that we're already coming to our last week in the internship. It doesn't feel like we've spent the summer here. The past ten weeks literally flew by. It's crazy to think that in just over seven days time, we would all be packing to go back home. No more waking up at 4 in the morning to prep for the markets. No more coffee runs. No more company sponsored  dinners. No more late nights out in Manhattan like this one.

Oskar motions to my empty glass. "You want another drink?"

I look at him in surprise. "Yeah, sure."

"What do you like?"

"Um, a beer?" Oh god. I swallow, trying to control my breathing.

He leads the way to the bar and I follow his steps, wading through bopping heads and sweaty bodies. This place has probably reached max capacity by now. I duck my head and cross my fingers, praying that no one accidentally spills their drink on me.

Halfway there, he's suddenly intercepted by a group of guys that I don't recognize. They cup their hands around their mouths, yelling his name in unison, calling him over. Oskar gives me an apologetic look before acknowledging them, and I watch with a strained smile as they give each other bear hugs and fist bumps, slapping each other on the back in greeting.

It was all I could do to not scream in frustration. Why did that have to happen? Why did he leave me to go talk to those guys? I was this close. I groan under my breath, peering over the crowd to look for the rest of the interns in an effort to regroup.

I do a 360, straining my eyes for anyone I knew. I try to remember where I had last spotted them. They were all sitting by one of the lounges earlier, but I don't see any sign of them now. There are too many people here. I don't recognize anyone. 

I hated being alone, especially at a party. Should I just go home? Maybe I'll do a lap, and if I don't see anyone I'll head out. I hesitate, looking over my shoulder for Oskar. He's deep in conversation now, gesturing animatedly with his hands in what seems like a long overdue catchup. Great. It looks like he's going to be busy with them for the next little while.

I look down at my phone, pulling open Uber from my home screen. I type in my address and click enter, letting the app load. The night was still young. Hopefully surge pricing hadn't kicked in yet.

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