"Thanks Paul." Niall smiled and walked towards where the other Lads were. "Ready to go meet your uncles, Aiden?"

The little lad shook his head several times and smiled.

Niall took several deep breathes, before walking through the door that held his four friends.

"Hey Niall- Who is this little lad?" Harry asked as he saw the boy in Niall's arms. "He looks just like you."

"Umm... Aiden, do you want to go play in the chair over there with the blocks for a little bit?" Niall asked the lad who nodded his head and wiggled to get out of Niall's arms and headed towards the chair.

"Yes, Daddy."

"Daddy?" Four voices asked. Niall winced just a bit as Aiden just gave away what was going on.

"I do not know how to explain, but yes. Aiden is my son. His mother passed away last week and they went to find his closest relative and saw that I was his father. I am sorry. I do not know how. I am sorry if you lads want to kick me out." Niall started to babble.

"Niall... Ni. Stop. It's fine. We understand. We are going to help you through this. I promise. We promise." Zayn said.

"Wow... I am not going to lie. I am shocked, but Zayn is right. We are going to be there for you and Aiden." Louis said as Liam and Harry agreed with him.

"Thanks lads. I am going to need it. I just cannot believe I am a dad. I mean yes, I dreamed about it happening but just not now." Niall smiled. He knew he had the best friends in the world. "I just do not know how I am going to do it and touring. I am going to have to let Mum know. Greg and all of them know. What about the fans? What are going to think?"

"Niall... It's going be okay. We are all in this together." Liam smiled and pulled the blonde into his arms.

"Thanks again. Aiden! Come here a minute please." Aiden looked up and walked towards his father.

"Meet your uncles. This is Uncle Zayn, Uncle Liam, Uncle Louis, and Uncle Harry." Niall pointed to each Lad as he said their name. Aiden smiled and hugged each of them.

As the day went on, Aiden got closer to his father and uncle until all of them were like peas and carrots. Aiden was having a blast. When Aiden needed something, Louis was always there helping Niall with him. Yes, all of the Lads would help Niall, but Louis was the one who was always there.

I mean always there. Louis had broken up with Eleanor several weeks ago and moved out into Niall's house to help with Aiden. The other Lads would come over every once and a while as they could. Several of them had been going all around the world to help start writing on some more of the album and all.

The past weeks had been a blur to Niall. He was still in the deer headlights stage. He was going through the motions. The fans had been worried since they had not see Niall out and about lately. Niall had been hiding in his house since the day he found out. He did not want the fans to know anything at this point.

It finally came down to the point where it was time to fly out to the next city to start the next leg of the tour they were on. That night was probably one of the worst nights, Niall had ever had. Aiden was fast asleep in his newly finished room.

Niall was just sitting in his room sobbing. Louis had heard him and went inside the room.

"Niall, what's going on?" Louis asked as he sat down in front of Niall.

"Lou? How am I going to do this? How am I going to keep Aiden a secret? We are headed out tomorrow. How am I going to be a great dad while still doing this job? Should I quit? I do not want too, but should I? Am I going to be a great father anyways? I do not know what to do, Louis."

"You are going to be a great father, Niall. You are being a great one now! I honestly do not know how in the world you are doing it now. I am so amazed at how you are handling this. Aiden loves you. You are doing what is best for him. Every thing is going to be fine. Aiden is going to be fine. I know, you do not want your mother watching him right now, but know that Aiden will have us four with him plus you. Paul and all of them will be there for him. Lou, Caroline, Helen, Lottie. They all will take of him also. Lux is going to be excited about having a friend to hang with. Everything is going to be perfect, Niall."

"But what about the fans? What if they find out?" Niall continued to wonder about that. He understood where Louis was going. He honestly trusted everyone there to watch over Aiden. He was just worried about what the fans were going to think about him.

"If they are true fans, then they will love him like we love him. It gives them something else to cry about. I mean, remember that picture of Harry and Lux, well several pictures of us and Lux that they all cry over and love. Well this is going to drive them crazy." Louis laughed.

Niall joined in with him. "Thanks Lou, for helping me these past weeks and for the future."

"You are welcome brother. You need to go to bed. I will get Aiden if he wakes up in the middle of the night. You just get some sleep, please."

"Thanks, Lou." Niall curled up and fell asleep feeling much better then before. There were still some uncertain thoughts, but Niall knew that whatever happened, His brothers, family and friends would always be there for him.

All during the tour, Aiden had a blast. He had become close friends with Lux and everyone there. Yes, some fans have spotted him with the Lads, but all of them had thought that he was one of the people who work for the lads' baby.

Niall knew he was going to wait a bit longer before telling people that Aiden was his son. He knew most people would be fine with it, but he was doing it to protect Aiden.

Aiden was the start of something exciting for Niall and the Lads. Niall was excited for the future and to see how Aiden grew up.

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