Are you cheating? $^

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"No. I never said anything about that. I love you lads. Why can you lads not see that? I only love the four of you! I would never cheat on you four!" Niall had tears running down his cheeks. Why did they think he was cheating on them?

"Oh so, kissing that girl, means you love us?" Zayn snapped.

"I never kissed that girl! That is photo shopped! You know better than to believe London News! They always write shit about us!"

"Well I believe them more than you right now." That was the last thing Liam said as he left the bedroom with the other three following him.

That hurt Niall a lot. Louis and Zayn had a fight on twitter with London News because of all the shit they were giving the Lads. Niall curled back into the bed and wept. How did life just get turn upside down? Niall just kept weeping. He could not fall back asleep.

As the days went on, Niall's nightmare came to life. What was once a five way relationship became a foursome. The four Lads would cuddle and give each other sneaky kisses and just love each other. Niall could not watch them anymore. All the memories of the five of them went through Niall's mind. The Lads had started to ignore Niall more and more until it just came to where if Niall

Niall woke up one morning with a off feeling. Something was not right. Well nothing has been right since the Lads confront him several weeks ago. None of them were talking to him at all. As Niall walked into the kitchen in their house, he came face to face with Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry talking. When they noticed it was him, they stopped talking immediately.

Liam saw that they all were looking at him to say something. Nodding his head, Liam started to talk, "Niall."

Niall's head suddenly pop up. He was surprised that they were talking to him. "Yes?" He whispered.

"We have came to a decision that we want you to move out. We do not want a cheater living with us." What?

Niall's mouth ran dry. They wanted him to move out?

"We are giving you an hour." With that, the four Lads walked out of the kitchen without another word.

Tears formed once more in Niall's eyes. Why? Why could they not believe him? Niall did not know what to do. He slowly moved back to his room and started to pack. Where was he going to go?

After Niall walked down the stairs with suitcases and all his things, not once looking at the four lads watching his every move, He knew that He was going to go live with his family members in Australia. They all were going there soon, so why not go a month earlier.

A month has gone by and Niall has great improved. His family and friends in Australia had help a great deal. He was finally enjoying life once more. He had gone to several events, even a tennis one. Niall had started to have a love for that sport. Well all sports in general.

It was finally time where it was time for rehearsal for their tour started tomorrow. Niall had been rehearsing with band several days beforehand.

Before Niall knew it, it was time to the first concert to start.

The concert was horrid. Niall was very grateful for to be doing his job, but being near the boys who acted like nothing was wrong was horrible. Niall had been just numb during the performance, because that's what it was a performance. Niall just wished that the Lads were not just acting for the fans, but they were. This was a time that they could pretend that their life had not fall apart, that their love had not just been thrown away like a piece of trash, and that they were not sitting alone in the ruins of what had once been a wall built up with love.

Niall did not see the Lads until they were going up the ramp to go out onto stage. Not one of them made eye contact. Well, all Niall did was look anywhere but them, just breathing in and out, calming his nerves that always came on the first concert of the tour. This time, it was different. The Lads did not do their hand motions and kisses before.

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