"The bonfire dances we used to have?" Nik finished. "Albeit these are a little more formal, but I remember twirling you around the fire."

"And nothing else seemed to matter," she recalled. "How you noticed me when I'd been invisible all that time, I'll never know." She gasped as her husband dropped her into a dip, his hands splayed across her lithe body.

"You saved me. You've saved me every day since we met. Saved me from going insane in this very big and sometimes very lonely world," he said, and she smiled as she puckered her lips slightly, Nik easily complying as he placed his lips on hers. They pulled away after a time, content in each other as Nik righted her and they watched the girls waltz.

But Isa's attention was captured as she heard the conversation that sparked between Elena and Caroline. Actually, it was more of an argument. "Are you hearing -"

"Hearing and enjoying," Nik answered a smile on his face.

"How about we go enjoy from a closer distance?" Isa wondered aloud and her husband's response was a kiss to her head as he slipped his hand in hers and let her lead the way.

"How did I become the bad guy?" Caroline said aloud as Elena walked away from her clearly upset.

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that she's siding with him on everything, I'm assuming?" Isa answered.

Caroline blanched for a second. "How did you know?"

"Well, we have eyes. Ears too. Not to mention a thousand years of experience with manipulative doppelgangers," Nik remarked.

"It'll make sense eventually," Isa said cryptically before she saw that couples were moving onto the dance floor now that the pageant girls had finished their song. She turned to her husband. "Dance with me?"

His smile was one of pure happiness. "After all these years, you still ask," he laughed as she led him onto the floor, Caroline slightly jealous of the fact that she didn't have a partner, and her current romantic partner was currently dancing with another woman.

"Why take the fun out of it?" she smiled as he swept her up into a smooth waltz, their bodies pressed closely together as their eyes met, every once in a while, drifting down to their lips. And as if they were humans again, dancing around a big bonfire, they danced as if they were the only two people in the world.


The day after Miss Mystic Falls had been blissfully quiet. Rebekah had called. She'd seen Elijah and had been on her way back home when she'd decided to take a delayed route. She'd said if she was to become human, there were things she wanted to do as a vampire that she'd never done before. Nik gave her his blessing, so long as she checked in every day, she was welcome to go and live her life.

Now, Nik again stood painting a piece for charity as Isa sat on a sofa nearby dressed in bike pants and Nik's t-shirt, smiling as she went through the photos on her camera of the last day. Her smile had instantly dropped when she heard footsteps and smelt a familiar cologne, a repulsive cologne but familiar, nonetheless.

"It looks like a giant snowflake," Stefan judged as he walked into the room, uninvited.

"It's obviously an expression of post-modernism, you daft idiot," Isa said from the sofa not even bothering to look up, but she felt her husband's eyes on her.

"You understand me," he smiled before returning to place the final strokes on his piece. "It's my donation to the Winter Wonderland Charity Event," he explained, and Isa pouted. She'd created a collage of photos of the town, semi-winter themed as her donation. It looked beautiful but she thought it was nothing compared to her husband's artistry.

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