Chapter 6: Georgi vs. Shu pt. 1

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The day of the match....

"Ah..never thought that I would see you again, Shu. How's it been since I left?" Georgi asked sarcastically. Shu only snarled a bit and rolled his eyes, "Ley's just get this over with." With that, the referee gets ready to start the match.

They cleared their throat a little, "Okay, ready and set!"


Georgi did a bit too much with his fancy, 'getting ready to launch' moves and tripped a little, giving Shu the advantage as his was steady and simples. Yes! Shu chuckled as the words 'Let it rip!' was spoken, launching Sprizen flawlessly while Georgi's bey was wobbling a bit. It took a while, making Shu's opponent pissed off.

"Oh my goodness! Italy, what are you doing?!" Georgi seethed out harshly and loudly as his bey starts moving off balance. Shu saw an opening and told Sprizen to go in for a series of violently but powerful attacks. Italy was not in good shape and soon enough, Sprizen sent him flying and onto the floor. It wasn't what Shu wanted, but at least...

"Sprizen wins with a ring out finish! Shu gets one point!"
It was a minor success, but of course, it wasn't enough. Shu kept himself from laughing when he saw Georgi growling like he's some sort of dog. That's one of his old friend's weakness, not accepting that losing is normal. That is what Shu will use to his advantage.

The referee starts talking again, "Okay! Second round."

"Your lucky this time, Kurenai, but it will quickly run out. I promise you, let's do this Italy." Georgi whispered out menacingly. Both bladers got into position once again, Georgi looking straight at the ring, while Shu is looking straight at the other. Wanting to predict his next set of moves.


Shu closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath before opening them up quickly and just in time.


Once again, Shu's launch was perfect while Georgi's was...well, atrocious. Sprizen landed directly on Italy, damaging the bey and causing it to lose balance again. The fiery red bey kept jamming itself onto the orange and gold bey repeatedly. Once again giving one powerful attack after another.

'Yes! We're on the right track. Good job, Sprizen!' Shu thought excitedly, but for some reason..that smile immediately fell off his face and instead, turned into shock. What?! But...But how?! He was doing so well...what's wrong with Sprizen, what's happening? Right before him, he saw in slow motion, Sprizen being hit hard and flying.

...Oh no.

Sorry for the long hiatus! But I'm back. I will try my best to update but just letting you all know, it will be a bit slow and would take some time. Hope you all enjoy this rather short chapter! Take care and stay safe! ^^

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