Chapter 20: Final Act

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The semi finals came and passed. The final battle for the championship is set. And to no surprise for some, the two bladers are Red Eye and Blue Eye. It was as if this was fate itself. Ashtem looks out of his window, staring at the trees struggling to hold onto their leaves against the harsh wind and rain. His frown deepens and suddenly looks away with a 'tch' sound, walking away and heads for the couch instead. When he reached it, Ashtem flopped down on it and sighed.

"Someone is in a bad mood."

Ashtem looked to the door and saw his brother standing there, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. He ignores him and resumes staring at the ceiling. This job is not as fun as he thought. But at least he's able to help the rest of his family financially. Also, he can't get these words he found out from his brother, that Valtreyk said to Blue Eye's bey, out of his head.

"If I truly wanted Spryzen, why would I always try to include you in our activities? Why would I purposefully say that I have to do something 'real quick' and take a long time to come back? I love you, Ares..."

"Damian Fioncini, you're the leader of the Snake Pit, there is no time for distractions and what not." Black Eye said annoyed, walking over and smacking the side of Ashtem's head. He growled at Black Eye, "That hurts! Also...I was remembering what you told, what is love?" Black Eye sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Seriously? Black Eye started, "What is love? Well..."

"Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no moree!"


Ashtem eyes widened in shock, his eyes blinked rapidly while staring at Black Eye's pissed off face. After a minute, he soon sported a saddened expression and whined out, "I'm telling mooooommm...somehow!" Black Eye said nothing more as he picked Ashtem up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Awww, nooo! Come on, brother, I was just messing with you. Don't throw me out the window again!" Ashtem begged.

Black Eye threw Ashtem away easily, as if he was a disposable bag, "This is your last chance. Anyways, the answer to your question is whatever you decide. The word 'love' means different things to people." Ashtem took out a lollipop and unwrapped it, popping it in his mouth. "Do you love me, Leonardo?" He asked boredly.


Ashtem chuckled and continued sucking on his candy, "Figured as much." Suddenly, both brothers finally noticed heavy breathing from behind them. Good thing they have their masks on or else it would've been trouble. Both males turned around and noticed a maid suddenly quieting down and blushing, biting her lower lip as she looked directly at Ashtem.

This got the leader a bit annoyed.

"I can't even enjoy my fucking lollipop without being sexualized. Black Eye, throw her out the window and any girl or boy who dares to look at me with romantic or sexual interest. I had played along with this crap long enough," he glared at the now frightened maid, "you ruined my mood. Thank you." He looks at Black Eye expectantly, who just stood there while his hand is gently placed on Ashtem's forehead. "I understand what you feel, but this will not help you at all. You already have blood on your hands. You do not want them drenched in blood, trust me." Black Eye turned to look at the maid with a glare of his own.

The maid let out a choked up squeak.

Black Eye took out something from his pocket and gestured for Ashtem to press a button that closes and locks all doors. Ashtem did so before the maid could escape. Black Eye slowly walked towards the maid, uncapping the small cap on the bottom, revealing a needle. Once he got close enough to trap her, Black Eye squatted down to her level.

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