Chapter 3: Shu's really missing his baby

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It now has been a whole month since Valt went missing.

If you think Shu was sometimes too quiet and distant, you haven't seen him when he's in his dark mode. Nobody has been able to contact him or get him to go outside for blading. Blading you guys, his most favorite thing in the world other than Valt himself! If the all great Shu Kurenai denies a match weeks on end, even though it's clear that he has nothing to do at the moment, you know something is up.

One late afternoon, Shu was at a park sitting on a bench, using his phone with earphones on. He was listening to a podcast that talks about how to deal with loss and what to do if someone is missing. Ten minutes passed and the boy started to get a bit drowsy. He got up and went to a safe, sanitary but somehow abandoned tree house across the street of the playground. When he reached it and got inside, Shu switched the podcast to 'Helena' and put it on repeat before crashing down and going to sleep.

Tears escaped the closed eyelids as he slept. All he could think about is Valt and how to find him. A few hours later, Shu woke up to a voice calling his name. It sounded very faint and quiet, so the white haired male thought that it was all in his head. So he ignores and goes back to sleep. All of a sudden, freezing water was splashed on him.

"What in the world?! Whyyyy?"

"Dude! There's a new competition. You gotta join, please?"

"D-Daigo? No, I..I can't."

The Doomsizer blader rolled his eyes sympathetically. He grabbed ahold of Shu's hands and dragged the other out of the tree house. There were some resistance and shocker, curse words thrown at Daigo. But the dude really didn't care, saying something that finally made his friend relent.

Valt wouldn't want him to give up the one thing he's passionate about. That's not the Shu people know.

Shu gasped softly and looked down in shame and loneliness. "Alright, let's go and check it out." Daigo accepted this answer and whooped as he made the both of them race over to the official Beyblade arena. As the two were running, Shu made sure to not let Daigo see or sense anything as thin tears roll down his cheeks.

"Valt, come back to me. Please. I miss you and love you so so much. I'm not sure if I can go on with keep on.." Shu let's out a shaky, quiet breath as he finishes his thought.


This isn't what Valt would've wanted at all.

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