Chapter 10: Suspicion

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"Ev'rytime you kiss me, I'm still not certain that you love me..."

Rantaro has since fallen asleep while Shu started cleaning the home with music on. He still not happy, but this time, it's not because of what happened between him and Rantaro. This time, it's something else.

"Ev'ry time you hold me, I'm still not certain that you care."

When Shu checked his phone hours earlier, there were lots of notifications of this blader who has been dominating their matches. But for every single one, it ends up with the same result: the beyblades of their opponents are demolished. To the point that it's very hard to repair them ever again.

What a brutal blader. Yes, there is competition in these tournaments. But at the end of the day, the point of them is to show your love for blading. It's clear from these reports that this blader is not having fun, but that there is some other goal in mind. But what would that be? To be the strongest blader? To dominate the blading world?

"Though you keep on saying, you really, really, really love me..."

For some reason, Shu is wondering if this blader has some sort of connection to Valt in a way. He does remember Valt's empty look when he lost of Lui, it kinda spooked Shu a bit, but of course he would never admit that to anyone, especially Valt of all people. He also remembers seeing that blue eyed blader. Who showed a few similarities to Valt like, the color of his hair and skin, his height, his slightly shaky right hand. A small habit Valt had developed overtime as he continued his blading career.

"Do you speak the same words, to someone else when I'm not there."

Shu took a break from cleaning the counters and sat on a stool nearby, taking out his phone. He pressed on one of the notifications and the first image he sees is the blue eyed blader. Shu zoomed in on the pic and looked for any clues that could lead him to some sort of answer. He goes to the hands and saw one of them a bit 'blurry.' A sign of shakiness there. Then he moved upwards to the face. "Alright...cute face and hair. Now let's go to the mouth...dammit. He covered that with a mask and his eyes with...uh...something." He scowled and closed his phone, shoving it back into his pocket as he resumes cleaning.

Sudden, he freezes while his eyes widened. A small amount of bile rising in his mouth.

No...No...NO! It can't be that...

"Suspicion - torments my heart, Suspicion - keeps us apart, Suspicion - why torture mee..."

Shu throws away the wipes and washes his hands, taking deep breaths to keep down the nausea. Then he grabs a bottle of water and sit down on the stool again, opening it and take slow sips. He must be out of his damn mind to think that his love is capable of doing such thing. That Valt Aoi, the one who loves the sport of Beyblade more than Shu himself, would go as low as destroying other people's beyblades. Yeah, Shu is definitely out of his mind thinking that. But still...

Why does his chest hurt? Why does he feel like panicking?

Why... just...why?

"Ev'rytime you call me and tell me we should meet tomorrow, I can't help but think that you're meeting someone else tonight."

Meanwhile, the blue eyed blader walked inside a dome looking building, making sure that no one else was around and saw him. He then went inside an elevator and pressed the 11th button, hearing a soft 'ding!' before the door closes and the elevator moves up. He stares at the bleak, gray ground. Finding nothing to focus his gaze at. He's not surprised, since at this point, there is nothing left in his heart. Except for one thing.

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