Chapter 15: The birth of Ares' hatred pt. 1

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A/n: This chapter takes place years ago in the Realm of the Beyblades, not the normal human universe. Also, I should explain the process of reincarnation for the beyblades. Basically, they all have their own spirit/soul. After they die, their spirit(in form of 'balls') travel to look for another vessel to take over. The only way to stop reincarnation is to destroy the soul itself, which is located inside the bey once it finds a body. Once they find a bey, depending on their strength and the bond they have with their owners, they're able to posses the owner's body. Of course, when the owner is not conscious and/or gives permission, In the Realm of the Beyblades, all of them are in their normal form, not their bey form. Hopefully this makes sense, feel free to ask anymore questions! Now, let's get on with this chapter!

Ares is the only one who looks fully human in a dark red suit of armor. His vibrant, orange eyes would scare anyone once they look into them. But, they're very pretty as well. His brother Valtryek, however, is more beloved. Their parents always pampered his little brother and gave him almost anything he desired, while for Ares, he had to work for it. But his little brother is not your typical, spoiled brat. He even tried his best to decline the treats and gifts their parents gave him. If he fails, then he would give half of it to Ares.

Though Valtryek didn't have to do that, he was very grateful for his brother's act of kindness. Ares is called the more 'angry and vicious' brother all because he fights brutally and his resting, normal expression always look like he's upset or something. Valtreyk even had a fan club of girls who would scream, "Valtryyyyyyyy! We love youuuuuu, marry us!" It would happen every single day at anytime. But it is kind of funny seeing Valtreyk running around crazily, trying to escape them. The brothers were close and love each other very much.

Until one day, a certain bey came along.

"Hello there you guys, I'm Spryzen! Nice to meet you." The bey greeted cheerfully. Ares looked up and immediately his eyes went wide. This Spryzen fella is gorgeous! Ares loves his height and that muscled, red body. His yellow eyes is what really drew Ares in. Before the bey could realize it, he fell in love at first sight. Ares responded, "Nice to meet you. I'm Ares." And his brother quickly responded, "I'm Valtryek, you look awesome!" Spryzen raised an eyebrow at him, a bit puzzled at the compliment. "So you don't care that I look like some sort of monster?" Ares and Valtryek shook their heads.

Ares said gently, "No. We do not care, the way you look is normal. I'm fact, it's the 'ideal' look for beys. Me on the other hand," he took off his helmet to reveal a very attractive and human looking face with a light tan looking skin, orange eyes and a long, luscious, dark red hair, "I look completely human." Spryzen stared at him in total shock, "Th-That's okay! I think you look very pretty, and there shouldn't be some ideal look. Everyone is perfect the way they are, pretty simple." Yes, that was pretty simple, but Ares' heart soared at the compliment and statement made by Spryzen.

To him, he's just perfect.

Overtime, the brothers became good friends with Spryzen. At the same time, Ares fell more in love and became a little bit possessive as well. One day, for the second week in a row, Spryzen invited only Valtryek to hangout. The blue bey was confused but nevertheless accepted the invitation. "Ares, tell ma and pa that I am going to spar with Spryzen!" That sent alarm bells in Ares' head and he sped right over to where Valtryek is.

"You're doing what with Spryzen?" He asked.

Valtreyk gulped at his brother's expression, "I-I am going to spar with him. You can co-"

"What makes you so special to him, huh? It's been a month since me and him hanged out without you! And you know what, it didn't go on for weeks! It was three days. Y-You know what?! I'm done, it's about time I go out and find my owner! Go!" Ares stormed away to his room and violently ripped out a piece of paper. He took out a pen and wrote a message to their parents that he is out looking for a owner while Valtryek is hanging out with Spryzen.

When he finished and slammed the pen and paper down, he finally noticed that he was full of anger. Along with something else...jealousy. Ares' anger almost evaporated and instead, he felt embarrassed. Who is he to get mad if his crush hangs out with his brother? It's not like Ares owns him or anything, he doesn't. Also, he should've removed that the way he and Spryzen hanged out together was much more special than just sparring. It...It was as if...

It was as if they were going on dates.

Ares decided to silent his mind before he left, without even saying goodbye to Valtreyk, who kept on calling his name.

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