"No!" I cried out but then something happened the dark figure was thrown off of me and another shot was fired.

                    "Get the hell away from her and I hope that you understand the police have been in on this for months now I've had her phone tapped and wires put in the house they know everything. You're going down you sick son of a bitch." Emmett said in a hiss I was crying in pain. "Shh baby girl calm down they're bringing and ambulance in case you didn't know I'm a little wounded, but they'll check on the babies I swear come on." He whispered into my ear picking me up. I could feel his blood coming out of the open wound on his shoulder. My heart stopped. He did this for me to save my children and our lives. This man is more then anyone could every ask for he is my hero. 

                   When the ambulance arrived they rushed us to the emergency room. My stomach twisted as they took me to a room they have to be okay they have to. I fiddled my thumbs as I waited for them to examine me. As I laid in a hospital gown on the bed I couldn't stop my mind from making up all these seniors. Like one baby died and the other two survived tears began streaming down my face. 

               " Miss.Chalmber's I'm going to give you an ultra sound and take some blood." the doctor said walking into the room I stayed in place as he lifted the gown putting the cool blue goop on my stomach. Moving the little device my children appear. " Have you found out the sex?"

               " No sir." I answered looking at him.

               " Would you Like to?"

            " Yes."  

             "Well the first one right here is a boy." he said pointing, " and the one right there is a girl but this last one can you guess?"

            " A boy?" 

           " No another little girl congratulations sweetheart and it looks to as if they are all fine. Only I would like for you to stay over night." He said pulling my gown back down as the nurse took my blood. We he left I felt a huge weight be lifted from my shoulders. God saved my babies and instead of one girl I get two.

             In a matter of weeked the media had surronded our house hoping for a story. Our names made head lines "Mob Bosses son puts him to an end" , "Chalmbers and her triplets out of danger" it was getting over whelming. Honestly if this is how celebrities feel no wonder they snap this is honestly to much for a girl to handle . Just how would my children feel if they were here today would they be scared, or would they stay strong like their mommy did. Today as they swarmed the house I laid in bed exhausted trying to sleep. As my eyes got heavy and I drifted into a sleep I had a wonderful yet sad dream.

              "Mommy you did it! You saved us" Harmony yelled hugging me.

             " I only did what I had to to keep you all safe but you must really thank your daddy kirk." I replied kissing my daughter on the forehead.

              " Oh we know mommy." Another little girl came up saying to me, "We've been visiting him the past month to help him. Even thought he didn't help make me  or us I love him more then I could ever love my real daddy he saved my life." I tear slipped from my eye as she said this. i just glad she's so happy.

              "Oh mommy we have a gift for you. I know you lost our brother but I want you to meet him he wants you to now what you mean to him." Harmony added in pulling her sister off as a little boy came out.

              he rested his hand upon my cheek smiling. His eyes were green with a ring of brown. He had lightly tanned skin an was breath taking. Tears formed in my eyes as he looked at me as innocent as they day he came out. this is what my first born son really would've looked like. I opened my mouth to speak, but he stopped me putting a finger to my lips.

          " Mommy you can't keep being sad and blaming daddy and everyone around him. Grandpa would hurt and scare them. He needs you everyone does even my sisters and little brother. They're going to need you more then i ever did I promise. God had a plan for me it was to show you that things get better with time. He wants you to know he's so sorry I couldn't be with you but you have me in your heart always. I love you mommy I really do i appreciate that you tried to protect me. I just want you to know that you didn't fail me as a mom you were the best mom i could ever have. You loved me when no one else seemed to want me you cared for me even though you were young. God has blessed you with three new kids to love after me you weren't ever punished . Bad things happe3n to innocent people and we can't change that but we can control our futures with each decision. Love them like you love me never let a moment pass that you don't show it . One day I'll see you in heaven and we'll be reunited i swear on my love for you mommy, but until then smile and live your life. Yes it will be a long time from now but that's okay god has a very amazing plan for you mommy." He said  I pulled him into a tight hug kissing his forehead.

           " I love you too Avery and I will. I know they need me and I'm always going to be there for them just like you. I'm so glad you think I'm a great mommy it means so much to me because your not here and I felt like I failed."  as I finished he pulled me into a room with all of my kids.

         We all sat around playing games and enjoying the time we had together. There's no one in this world that could make me stop loving them they mean the world to me. As they began to get tired I took them to their rooms for a nap and sung each one to sleep with a different song. They loked so peacful and I just don't want this to end ever.

Literally How Does This happen ( pregnancy story)Where stories live. Discover now