And since this is a dream I gave ourselves dragon wings and new abilities, we took flight and so did Dolly

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And since this is a dream I gave ourselves dragon wings and new abilities, we took flight and so did Dolly.

Hydra #3: oh yeah! Ghost Pokemon VS alien dragon! Who will win?

Hydra #2: focus you idiot! Were trying to win!

Hydra #3: why I oughta-

Hydra #1: guys, focus!

They snapped out of the argument and getting ready to battle. Dolly made his first move by shooting ice beam out of his hand and we dodge it and we shoot fire out of out mouth and hit him but it wasn't super effective. He then shoot another ive beam at us but we proceed to do fire attack one more time, with a clash of both the ice and fire it created a blinding fog hard for us to see.

Hydra #1: keep your eyes open, he could be anywhere.

We kept our eyes open and suddenly he was right in front of us and unleashed a sonic howl sending us hurtling towards the ground and trees. Before we could get up we was Dolly coming straight at us.

Hydra #1: guys think of something!

Hydra #3: I got it!

Suddenly our surroundings change into somekind of city and we don't see him anywhere because a building was in front of us.

Hydra #3: there! Now he can't get through this building.

But then Dolly went through the building.

Hydra #2: you idiot he can go through because he's a ghost Pokemon!

Hydra #3: oh... right.

We got up and Dolly is firing lava out of his mouth but we doged it and took to the sky, later we landed on the street and so did he because he was following us. I was thinking about what alien to turn into then it hit me, I turn into Grey Matter.

 I was thinking about what alien to turn into then it hit me, I turn into Grey Matter

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Dolly: heheh, how cute.

Before he could attack me I made myself big and I was now the same size as Way Big and stepped on him.

An Alien In AlolaWhere stories live. Discover now