The angry and concerned look on the brown haired girls face was obvious and it was not often that you could get someone like Hermione to loose her temper.

"What happend that made you so furious?", asked the kunoichi.

"Not what, rather who happend.", responsed the young witch, "Umbridge is out of control! Why doesn't Dumbledore do something about her?"

"His hands are tied, Hermione. If he could i'm sure he would but right now...", Sakura drifted of, not so sure what else to say, "What did she do anyway? I mean just her presence can be angering but that can't be it."

"Harry landed himself detention again after he got angry at her saying that You Know Who's existens is just a scam.", she signed, "I knew that there was something not right in her head but she freaking tortures the students!"

Sakura frowned at that. They were absend for most classes today as Dumbledore requested their assistance but she didnt think that Harry would manage to get tortured when they are not around to keep an eye on the teen.


"She has these quills that write with the writers blood. Harry didn't want us to know, it was pure coincidence that we found out.", explained Hermione.

"Have you talked to Dumbledore about it?"

"No, not yet.", she mumbled.

The kunoichi looked at her in concern, "Go to bed Hermione, you look tired. Tomorrow is also a day, we'll figure something out."

It took a bit more than that to convince the witch to finally give in but soon she was on her way to the common room of Gryffindor.

Sakura continued to read for a while before she too put the book back where it belonged and made her way to the rooms.

The next morning Naruto and Sakura woke up pretty early but instead of staying in bed they decided (it was actually mostly Sakura who did, Naruto just tagged along) to already go to the Great Hall. In front of the huge doors they met a tired looking Sasuke who constantly tried to supress a yawn.

They didn't really say anything just nodded at each other as a greeting and pried open the huge double doors. The Hall was empty, except for the five tables and the two people standing at the end of the room. They immediately recnogized the grey hair of their teacher and the brown mop of hair tamed by the metal of the forhead protector belonging to Yamato.

"Yamato taicho!", shouted Naruto excitendly all fatigue forgotten and threw himself around the olders neck.

Yamato chuckled awkwardly at the blonde and padded his back a few times before Kakashi took his student my the collar and peeled him off of the other.

"Na na Naruto, let him be. He just arrived and must be tired from the journey.", reasoned Kakashi.

"Sorry sensei, Yamato taicho. I was just so excited.", grinned the blond, not sounding very sorry at all.

Yamato ressured him that it was fine and slowly the other two also arrived at the end of the hall, walking in a normal pace and not straight up running like Naruto did. Both greeted the shinobi, Sakura more enthusiastic than Sasuke.

After catching up for a bit, they noticed that it was almost time for breakfast so Yamato excused himself and went with one of the house elfs who showed him the room he would stay in. He promised to meet them for lunch and after school for the training Naruto couldn't await.

Draco wanted to vomit as his legs slowly started to get numb and his lungs protested against the hastily breathing. It also didn't help that he barely ate anything for breakfast this morning, so running around the Quidditch field felt more like torture than a lesson.

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