First day at University

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Aurora Oberoi

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Aurora Oberoi

You are so ungrateful!

Such a insolent girl!

They don't want you!

You daughter of a characterless woman!!

I wish I never brought you here!

The blood remains the same your blood the dirty blood you can't change them!!!

Oh she doesn't loves you she loves you because we are her parents!!

I shot up from my dream and looked around I was in my room.

I got up and walked out to the balcony and sat at the chair and leaned back and sighed and looked at the sky.

I can't even cry for my pathetic self

I let out a small humorless laugh and stood up and went out of the room downstairs to the kitchen for water

Why can't these bloody memories come back? Why can't I forget them? Why they always stays with me? Why? Just Why?

I slowly sipped water from the glass and twirled it around in my hand, I turned around when I heard footsteps.

"What are you doing here at night?"

"Nothing that concern you"

Why this idiot have to show up again and again

He picked up a glass and poured some water and drank it and turned to me and walked away

"Always so rude"

"I heard it idiot"

I placed the glass down and walked back upstairs and opened my study and took the paints and a new canvas.

I started throwing different colors and took out the knives and spread them then I took out the brushes and started stroking large, small, minor, all off them I did.

I kept making and making it.

I didn't realize the time the sun raises peeking through the blinds the I was so engrossed in making painting that I didn't listen to the door opening

"Aurora are you Okay"

"I am fine dad"

I turned around with a brush in my right hand and a palette in other

"Okay come downstairs the breakfast is ready"

"20 minute I will be down"

He smiled and walked out, After years of me being not sharing my problems they stopped asking even if they want.

I set the brush down and went to my room and took a shower and changed for University.

I went downstairs everyone was seated Vansh wasn't here just as I thought he appeared and was about to sit...

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