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Vansh Rai Singhania

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Vansh Rai Singhania

We were sitting in the cafeteria there were many students but two tables in middle was empty

"So tell us about the people in University"

"Well tell me about who you want to know"

"Karan Kapoor"
I said

"Well to say he is an idiot would be an understatement, he is a that typical boy with a helicopter dad just like us but he is also a playboy kind of person,and he wants Aurora Oberoi but she never give chance to any boy"

Well that something.

"So Aroura Oberoi what kind of a person she is?"

"Well she is cold hearted, her one cold glare and you are dead, she is in the University student council, but she is definitely kind because she helped alot students, and lastly never ever hurt her feminist ego and never mess with her"

Well I already messed with her!

"So tell me a bit more about her"

"Umm she is a feisty girl, never let you win against her, she never smiles but she have four friends they are all rich like us Meera, Vidya, Java, Python she is a bit less cold towards them"

"Java, Python??"

"They are both tech experts that's their nickname well Java's real name is Sarav and Payton's name is Aarav but nobody really take that name even professors they are cousins too and Java's Dad is in politics"
(A/n: Guys you may know it well but I still wanna tell you in India if your perents relatives are in politics you are treated as king)

"Okay but umm who is she?"
I asked looking at my left Nick followed my gaze and laughed

"She is Kavya, well practically she is the Queen bitch amd she hates Aurora Oberoi to her life because all the boys have hots for Aroura and Kavya tries to harm Aroura one way or another and her next target it you"

With that said a girl came and stood very close to our table


Even her voice is so fake she was wearing high heels and a crop top with very small black skirt even her dressing sense is slutly!

Just she was about to open her mouth again my phone rang

"Excuse me"
I picked up the phone and walked away


"Hey Vansh how are you?"

"Dad I am good"

"Great, are you settled well with Jass"

"Yeah Jass Uncle and Dolly Aunty are very nice people"

"That good anyways I heard your mom telling you their daughter is very beautiful I don't mind making her my daughter-in-law"

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